
Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas Holidays

We've started our second week of holidays and I am wishing we were home. Nothing against being here visiting my Dad and the rest of the family it's the weather that we are having to endure while we are visiting. Today it's meant to be reaching 42C (just over 107F) and that is just way too hot for anyone!!

Dad's place isn't air-conditioned, although he went out with one of my Auntie's today and she bought him one for his 80th birthday, and he only has ceiling fans installed for now. His new air-con will be delivered on Thursday and it wont be fitted for at least two weeks. Well that's what he said anyway, with any luck they might be able to do it sooner.
There is meant to be a mild cool change tonight where the temperature should drop to 35C tomorrow (how nice!!) and then it should be back up to 39 by Friday!!! I do NOT want to suffer with the heat. It's not good for anyone!

Since I haven't had computer access for most of our holiday I have bee writing in a journal the old fashioned way with pen and paper. I've surprised myself actually with the amount of stuff I have written. I thought that I would try and be as detailed as possible but not too much so. I don't want to put down all the whinging, whining things that the boys do so it wont be too much of a bore.

We'll have to think about leaving my niece's place soon and head back to Dad's. I just hope that it is a little cooler outside when we leave.

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