
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What's Been On My Hook

This is what I have been working on since I finished making that pretty cat blanket last week. 
These items are all for one of this months Knit4Charities nominated charities, the Thompson Ward at the Traralgon Hospital.

Premmie Beanies
As you can see I've been busy and keeping out of trouble (~_o)

Pattern is by Heather from Just Crochet
I'll definitely be making some more baby stuff over the next week or so. My niece, Lee-Anne, went into labour last night. She made it to 33 weeks (I think it may even be 34) so they wont be stopping labour this time. I'm crossing my fingers that everything goes well for her and bubz. With any luck I'll be able to tell you tomorrow that she's had her baby.
I'm kind of wishing that the baby wont be born until Thursday morning so bubz can share her day with Brodie. Either way I just hope it all goes smoothly.



  1. First of all, YAY for Lee-Anne! :-) Secondly, I love your little beanies and sweater. I made my niece a sweater just like that over 20 something years ago. I think I have a picture somewhere. If I find it, I'll share it later.

  2. Poetess I would love to see a photo if you have one.
    Lee-Anne did have her baby earlier tonight. I don't have all the details yet but I am hoping to hear from my sister or my other niece (Lee-Anne's Mum) before I do my next blog post so I can share all the details and maybe a photo or two.

  3. Hope all has gone well with the baby. Such cute hats!

  4. Thank you WildflowerWool.
    I've still not heard anything about Lee-Anne and her baby so everything must be good :)
