
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thankful Thursday


Here's what I am thankful for:
Eleanor Rose
  •  the safe arrival of my new great-great niece Eleanor Rose. Ellie was born Wednesday afternoon (2:29pm) weighing a teeny 4lb 2oz (1.87 kg) Lee-Anne is doing very well & little Zavier is excited about having a new sister
  • my crochet & being able to make some premmie outfits. It looks like I may need to send some to Lee-Anne for her precious little one
  • my family
  • Brodie - he is another year older today. I can't believe that he is 19 now. Where has that time flown? When did he turn into a young man? I embarrassed him big time on FB today (~_o) 

What are you thankful for this week? 


  1. Congratulations on the new family member! But is she really a great-great niece? I don't have any with a single great yet.

    And Happy Birthday to Brodie! It is my father's birthday today, too.

  2. "Welcome to the world little Eleanor Rose! Here's hoping you find happiness in it...or at least find the door to get out!" LOL

  3. Vireya, Happy Birthday to your Dad!
    I'm afraid Ellie-Rose is a great-great niece. I certainly don't feel old enough to be a great-great auntie. I don't mind though :) I have plenty of love to share.

  4. Poetess, I hope that she can find the door to leave the hospital soon too. Although I know she is in the best place possible right now. My sister said that she's tiny but perfect & that's all that matters :)
