
Saturday, June 09, 2012

My Busy Little Worker

Bend your knees kiddo!
 Angus has been busy working on his bike. Well just the frame. So far he's pulled the bike to bits and is cleaning the rust off the frame. Mark has let him use one of the power tools to get the rust off faster. 

Mark & Angus will be working on this together (I think that's what they said - sorry I didn't hear all of it) once the rust is all gone. They will be painting the frame and getting all the bits and pieces needed to make this work. It's a good thing that the boys old bikes are still in the back yard so they can use some of the parts from them.
It's good that they will have some quality time together.


  1. Bike repair...sounds like it's right up my hubby's alley too. Too bad he doesn't live closer. I'm sure there would be some good conversation among them. ^_^

  2. Poetesas, I am sure there would be some great conversations too :) with many stories being shared.
