
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Finished Items - Itsy Bitsy Beanies

Here's what Angus & I have been working on for the past 2 - 3 days. Some beanies for premmie babies. Angus said that I needed to point out that he made the green one. He's very proud of his achievement because he hasn't crocheted in a long time. I think he's done a fabulous job.

I'll be making some more baby items to put with the beanies. They'll go to one of the charities that the Knit4Charities group is doing for July. This one is for the Thompson ward at Traralgon Hospital. I thought that if I start now I'll have a few items ready for the end of July when they need to be posted.

Anyway I'm off to do some more hooking (~_~)


  1. Good job Angus!...I almost forgot that you crochet!!

  2. He has done a good job Poetess! He's moved on to making a scarf at the moment :)

  3. Lovely job by you and Angus. And great idea to plan ahead, bulk posting or delivery is cheaper

  4. Thank you Maria. That was my thinking also about having a larger quantity to post.
