
Tuesday, June 05, 2012

It's Wet & Soggy

We've been swamped by rain and strong winds for the past 24 hours or so. Some parts of Victoria are on flood alert, flood watch or have even been told to evacuate. In those places they've had 150mm (6 inches) of rain since yesterday. Don't worry though we're pretty safe where we live but we are still expecting lots of rain.
The weather bureau has issued more warnings.

The town where Brodie goes to TAFE, well the town where he is meant to go, has had some evacuations. In some ways I'm glad that he hasn't been to TAFE these past two days. Not that he should stop going though. But that's a whole different story - see yesterday's post.

Would you believe that yesterday I went out in that yucky rain up to Neerim South, where Brodie used to go for high school. He was sore & sorry for himself and wanted me to come and collect him. Me being the sucker nice Mum that I am went to get him. It was absolutely pouring down. The clouds were so low I could hardly see all that far in front of me. I was so grateful to make it home and sit in the warmth. Brodz owes me BIG time for collecting him.

This shows how much rain we've had sine 9am Monday

Other than having to nick to the supermarket for some fruit & veg I don't need to be out in today's yucky conditions. Which I should probably do soon while it isn't raining. Today is definitely the perfect weather to sit in front of the heater watching some TV and crocheting.


  1. WOW! 6 inches of rain in 24 hours! And here they were debating about whether we were inundated with a whole inch of it or not! O_O...Stay safe and sound inside, do some crocheting or reading. No need to go out if you don't have to. You're not Noah...and unless you've purchased one recently, I don't think you have an ark! LOL

  2. lol we don't have an ark but perhaps that isn't such a bad idea to have one right now :)

    I'm definitely staying indoors now. I've done my shopping and even picked up a sick kid from school. That's me done for the day. Time to grab the hook and maybe even the kindle :D
