
Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Finished Item & an Update

With all the crazy weather we have had over the past two days we have had sunshine and (mostly) blue skies this morning. Although it hasn't rained the threat of flooding still continues in parts of Gippsland (the region where I live) and some other parts of Victoria. Don't worry my little town is okay but those who live further east aren't quite so lucky. The town of Traralgon, where Brodie goes to TAFE, still has lots of water to contend with. There have been some evacuations and they are still on alert with the water levels still rising.

Whilst the weather has been wet and miserable I've been busy crocheting my little heart out. I made a pretty blue striped scarf. I'm adding that to my stash of finished items. I've no clue were it will end up yet its just being added to my collection. 

Just a quick update on my niece, Lee-Anne. Her water broke last week but she wasn't in labour. I was told (and I never knew this) that there are two membranes that surround bubz and only one of them broke leaking a small amount of amniotic fluid. Since everything is okay and she still wasn't in labour over the weekend Lee-Anne was allowed to go home late Monday. She's now 29+ weeks and counting. The longer her little princess stays where she is the better. The doctors are hoping that she will make it to 38 weeks but I don't think that will happen considering everything that's gone on already. I'll cross my fingers and keep praying that things go well for her & bubz.

Time to go stick the kettle on and think about what I should make next. I'm finding it hard to come up with ideas :-/


  1. Beautiful scarf!...Not so beautiful rainy weather. :-/

  2. Thanks Poetess :)
    That rainy weather is still causing havoc. The water has broken a levy at a open cut coal mine. They're saying it may cause problems with electricity supplies :-/

  3. News update states that there should be no interruption in power supply. The government promised that the power should be fine and that we should not worry about losing the use of heaters etc.
    It's very cold outside :( I would hate to have no power during winter.
