
Thursday, April 05, 2012

Thankful Thursday


Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • that Angus is home after he spent a couple of nights with friends. He had a wonderful time & a well deserved break!
  • a good car so that we can travel 
  • visiting family in Lakes Entrance. It's so beautiful there! 
  • getting my head on straight ~ I finally managed to decipher some of the Spotlight Squares patterns. The block for week 6 had me stumped on the first two rows. I've now finished rounds 1 - 3 but I'm stuck again *rolls eyes*
  • my cats. The antics they get up to makes me laugh and cry. The angelic looking little devils they are (well Rory any way)

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. Great things to be thankful for this week! :-) I'm in more of a spiritual mindset this week. It's the anniversary of the time of Jesus Christ's death...Memorial season...and I'm truly thankful for the sacrifice of his life...for mine.

  2. Poetess I was thinking about that myself today. His sacrifice is something I am thankful for too.
