
Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Lakes Entrance

Yesterday we went to Lakes Entrance to catch up with Mark's Dad & Step-mum. They were there visiting Mark's twin, Sean and his girlfriend. Marks parents were visiting from Western Australia. They pooped in to see us on Monday on the way down to Lakes.

The route we travelled to get to Lakes Entrance. If you click on the map you'll be able to see it better.

Lakes Entrance is about 224km (139 miles) from our place. It took us almost 3 hours to get there which felt longer because it was getting rather hot in the car and our air-conditioning doesn't work (+_+). Thank goodness we left early(ish) so that it wasn't even hotter.

Lakes Entrance RSL

The main reason for our trip there was Mark's parents wanted to take us all out for lunch to celebrate Mark & Sean's 40th birthday which is at the end of this month. We went to the local RSL club. My goodness the food was amazing! The servings were massive but oh so delicious!! They had a chinese menu and an Australian menu to choose from. Brodz had chicken schnitzel. Mark had chilli beef and I had prawns with cashews. Angus didn't join us he stayed with some friends.

Across the road from the RSL

Look at the view from the car park. 

Fishing boats alone the esplanade

More boats

Simpson & his donkey
Along the esplanade by the RSL are some fantastic statues. They've been carved from old trees. They really look amazing don't they! These two are of Simpson and his donkey. Simpson is one considered to be one of our WWI soldiers who epitomises the ANZAC spirit.
 There was another statue of a nurse but I didn't get close enough to her to take a photo.

Simpson & his donkey with an injured soldier.
Although it was a long day with lots of travelling I really enjoyed myself. I would love to go down to Lakes Entrance again but I would definitely want to stay a lot longer than the 4 hours or so that we were there. It really is pretty.


  1. Looks like you had a really good time on your trip! I don't know how I would've fared without A/C in the car though! O_O ... I love seeing the boats in the marina and the crafty wood carvings...People are so talented!

  2. Poetess, I did have a good time. I don't know how we managed without the air-con. Not the best thing to do really :-/
    Those wood carvings were brilliant. They were made from trees that used to grow along the esplanade. Instead of chopping them down altogether a clever artist turned them into sculptures. Very clever indeed :D
