
Saturday, March 03, 2012

WIP - Afghan (pt 2)

I had set this up as a scheduled post for yesterday morning but it didn't go through :( oh well better late than never.

This is what I've been up to these past few days with my crocheting. I've slowly been putting the squares together.

It still reminds me of a stained-glass window.

I am really enjoying making this little blankie. Mainly because I am using up a lot of the scraps that I had left over from other projects. I'm slowly running out of colours but that's a good thing right? That means I can go shopping for more yarn again :P (That's my story and I am sticking to it!!)

I'm thinking that I'll keep going on this for a while longer. I have no idea how large it will be when it's complete. I just know that I'll keep plodding along until my leftover stash is almost gone. Either that or until I get fed up and want to do something new.


  1. Oh! It just looks beautiful!! I love the color combinations too!...Won't this look great as a bedspread, or if you continue....a colorful cover to hide a 747 airplane!! LOL

  2. Poetess, that's a lovely idea. It would look great as a bedspread or a plane cover lol
