
Monday, March 05, 2012

Random Mobile Photos

Sometimes I get very snap happy with the camera on my mobile phone. So I thought I would share some of the photos that I ad taken over the past month or so.

The food was what we had for dinner one night when I couldn't be bothered cooking. It was a yummy cheese platter with some crackers, dip, pate & some veggies. Even though it was very healthy (well I thought it was) my blood glucose level didn't show that it was the best option. I'm thinking that perhaps I had a few too many crackers than I should have.

I've been on a bit of a crochet kick for the past few months. It's so much faster than knitting but you don't need me to tell you that. With me doing all that crocheting I have over done things and my carpal tunnel has been playing up a lot! So I have had to put my other wrist brace on during the evenings so that my arm doesn't ache as much. It seems to be helping.

As you can see I had to take some super cute photos of my baby Rory. You have to admit he does does look beautiful. I can't believe that he's just turned 4 months old already.


  1. WOW! I guess you have been busy, huh?! ^_^ Maybe you better do more clicking of the camera button and less crocheting for a little while...and rest that arm!...And yes, Rory is pretty cute! :-))

  2. Poetess, I have been pretty busy :) I don't know if I can rest too much. I really am enjoying all that crocheting.
