I did it again. I bought another Jean Greenhowe book. This one is called Jiffyknits.
I got it on ebay (again) from a seller in England. I have bought from her a few times now. Its a lot cheaper to buy from her than it is to buy it from a shop here. Including postage it was less than $10 compared to $15 in the stores here.
I got it on ebay (again) from a seller in England. I have bought from her a few times now. Its a lot cheaper to buy from her than it is to buy it from a shop here. Including postage it was less than $10 compared to $15 in the stores here.

The lady even included this little printed card with all the Jean Greenhowe books on it. That way I can check at a glance which ones I already have :)

Looks like another very crochet good acquisition! :-]
Thank you Poetess. I think its a nice way to 'spoil' myself ;)
Oh Yeah....You've been tagged! ^_^
lol thanks Poetess
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