It's not a bad thing really its not like we are really playing tag. If we were I wouldn't be able to run very far and I would ALWAYS get caught because I am
Of course for this game of tag there are a few things that need to be done, like answering some questions, but this is a fun way of getting to know each other better :)
Do you think you're hot?
We're heading towards winter right now so unless I am sitting in front of the heater I would have to say NO I am not hot :D It's a bit on the chilly side today
Upload a picture or wallpaper that you are using at the moment
I only change my wallpaper last night. I was using a Doctor Who one but changed it to Star Trek Voyager :D

When was the last time you ate some chicken?
We had take away from Seven Noodle the other night. I had Combination Noodle which has pork, chicken, beef and prawns in it. It was absolutely delicious and the best thing about takeaway is I didn't have to cook. You gotta LOVE that!!
The song/songs you listened to recently
I had the radio on in the car when I dropped Brodie off at the bus stop this morning. He's on respite today. He's off bowling & dancing. Oops I got side tracked. I have no idea what songs were playing but I did listen to some music last night. Some Rascal Flatts songs (From Time to Time and I'm Moving On ) they are one of my favourite bands ever! I also listened to Jericho Road (Testify To Love)
What were you thinking while doing this?
I'm not sure if it means while I was listening to music of while completing these questions so I'll answer for both. While listening to the music I was wondering what to cook for tea. While completing the questions I was wondering if the washing machine had finished its load.

Do you have any nicknames?
Yes I do. Apart from being called Mum or Hon I am known as Blossy, Bloss or BlossyBoots. All are short or variations of Blossom. Cos I love flowers. What can I say.

Tag 8 blogger friends
Gosh now this is hard. I don't know if I could call them friends (yet) maybe good acquaintances, these are blogs I visit often apart from Poetess's blog :) ... okay here goes ...
Tina from Tina Gray {dot} me
Kate from Picklebums
Maria from Aussie Maria
Corrie from Retromummy
Candy from Candy's Family
Naomi from Seven Cherubs
Marita from Stuff with Thing
Pammy Sue from Scotty's Place
Who is listed as number one?
Tina is at the top of the list. Her blog is one that I read all the time. She is one fun lady! I like finding out what she gets up to with her family.
Say something about number 5
I met Candy on twitter via a #followfriday tweet and started reading her blog. She is one awesome lady with lots of beautiful children.
How did you get to know number 3?
I met Maria via Knit 4 Charities in their yahoo (email) group. K4C was organised by the amazing Pamela Tatt. Its for people who love to knit & crochet that like to donate what they make to charity. If you would like to know more about K4C click HERE.
How about number 4?
Gosh I don't really remember how I met Corrie. It may have been twitter or it might have been through Stumble Upon. I really dislike having brain freezes and not being able to remember :(
Leave a message for number 6
Naomi, you are one super Mum & oh so talented. I love finding out what you are up to with your family. Sometimes I wish I could be just like you or that we met in real life. I am sure that I would tap you for lots of ideas from FHE to cooking. You are an amazing lady.
Leave a lovey-dovey message for number two
I'm not a lovely-dovey kind of person. Just as anyone that knows me. How about .. Kate, I adore your family & what you get up to. Adore is pretty close to love right?
Do number seven and number eight have similarities?
They both have children. They are both creative. Marita likes to create some amazing meals and Pammy Sue creates some amazing crocheted pieces (and food too).
I cannot believe how incredibly difficult that was. I thought I could do this. It seems easy but then I got stumped with the bloggers. Sorry ladies. Its so hard to select only 8 bloggers who you like. I didn't wish to choose the same people who had already been tagged. It would have been much easier if I did.
Anyway. If you are one of the fantastic bloggers mentioned above guess what?!?! You've been tagged too! I would love to see what answers you write for these questions :)
Thank you soo much Jo-anne for popping by ;)
Have a great we!
NP Angie & thanks for the return visit.
Good job Jo!!! I mean Blossom...*Teehee*...All this time I never knew that Blossy was short for Blossom!! ^_^ And I didn't know how much you and I both love flowers!! Nice to get to know you a little bit better Jo! :-) Thanks for playing along.
lol thanks Poetess. I had the nickname of Blossom for chat on ICQ and a couple of other places. Its those dang Aussies who shortened it to Bloss and if they can't shorten it they lengthen it *rolls eyes*
This was a fun game of tag :) Thanks for tagging me
Oh what fun! Thanks for tagging me... I'll see if I can find time to fit this in to my blogging schedule!
There's no rush Kate. I would love to see what you come up with :)
Love Rascal Flatts! But I can't listen to I'm Moving On anymore. That was my late daughter's favorite song and we used it on a DVD with a montage of pictures of her. It's a beautiful song though.
Got to meet a couple of the members of Jericho Road a few years back. We were visiting our daughter in Provo and ate at a pizza place one night. She pointed them out to us (I'd never heard of them!) and we spent a while talking together. Very nice guys.
I agree Beverly, it is a beautiful song and perfect for an angel.
Wow you got to meet Jericho Road. I think they are amazing! I love their music.
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