
Monday, April 04, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Hosted by Java @ Never Growing Old
41st Edition


1. If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
2. Do you write your blog posts in advance or the day you post them?
3. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
4. What is your favorite candle scent?
5. Coffee or tea?


1. If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Oh gosh what a tough question! I like Java's answer of bread. Just as long as I could have things like potato bread, corn bread, banana bread, 5 seeds etc.

2. Do you write your blog posts in advance or the day you post them?
I usually do them on the day but there has been a handful of posts that I have prepared a day or so before I have posted them.

3. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
Yes I have. As a patient and as a passenger accompanying Brodie to the hospital.

4. What is your favourite candle scent?
I don't think I have just one fragrance that I like. Vanilla is nice. So are the fruity candles and the floral. I can't choose only one.

5. Coffee or tea?
Tea. I can't stand the taste of coffee. I quite like herbal tea but I don't drink it very often.


  1. Nice to meet you. Well, it sounds like we are opposites, but that's what makes the world go round! I'm Just One Donna from

  2. Once again our answers would be similar. My one food would be different though. I am very carbohydrate sensitive, so bread is something I rarely eat. My food would be ice cream...Ben & Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk to be exact! LOL...I write my blog the same day...Yes, I've ridden in an ambulance (unfortunately)...I love citrus or vanilla scented candles and tea is my hot beverage of choice. But I love a good cup of coffee on occasion too!...Nice getting to know you! ^_^

  3. So sorry that you've had the ambulance experience...that must be scarey!

  4. Poetess, I love the sound of that ice cream. Fudge is yummy on its own but it would be even better with ice cream.

  5. edshunnybunny, to be honest I don't remember much of my ambulance ride at all. The trip with Brodie was much scarier but it all turned out okay in the end :)

  6. I enjoyed your answers. I can't use candles because my six year old granddaughter has asthma. It doesn't take much to set her off. I'm a new follower and hope to see your blog weekly. Doylene

  7. Thank you Doylene. Your granddaughter is so young to have asthma already. I hope that she manages to grow out of it as she's older.

  8. Always look forward to reading your answers and learning another little tidbit. You never fail!

  9. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'd have a hard time living without bread. I love my morning coffee but the afternoon is for tea, I'm sure I get that from my Nana, she is from England.
    Have a great week.

  10. You're welcome Lisa & thanks for stopping by here :)

  11. Hi~ Thanks for stopping by. The more I think about it, the more I agree with you... bread is a great answer!

  12. Thanks for visiting :)Look forward to reading more x

  13. Thanks for coming by my place....

    I couldn't decide on a food, but I do have bread at every meal, so maybe bread should be my answer too!:)

  14. Susan & Cindy, thanks so much for stopping by :)

  15. Seems coffee isn't everyone's favorite! I've tried it lots of ways. There's just no doing! I'm just not java-wired!

  16. Hi Brenda, thanks for stopping by & please pardon the pun but coffee isn't everyone's cup of tea :D

  17. Hi, am visiting over from MMOM. Bread is a great answer - I love any kind of seedy bread, although I'm not so keen on picking the bits out of my teeth for the next two hours!

    Have a great week!

  18. Hi PCMA, thanks for stopping by. I love the seedy breads. Like you I hate picking it out from the teeth, especially when they get stuck between the teeth but I wont give them up :) they taste too delicious.
