
Tuesday, April 05, 2011

I Can Smile Again

Last Tuesday I broke a tooth. My front tooth. At least I thought it was broken but I did have a filling there. I was hoping that it was just the filling that came out when I bit into something. It was hard to tell because the filling was white.

Anyway I had to wait until today to get in to see the dentist. This dentist wasn't my first choice though. I phoned the Public Dental System first, you can read about them here if you would like to. I am eligible for this scheme because I am on a Carer's Allowance. They weren't able to help me out because I wasn't in pain when I called. Figure that one out. If I told them that I couldn't eat or talk properly or that I was in agony they could see me immediately, the next day or even refer me to a dentist that they have on their list of approved private dentists.

Well, I wasn't going to fib about it. I told them I wasn't in pain. The girl on the end of the phone said, "Okay you are on our list. See you in about 7 months."
Umm HELLO I have a broken front tooth? In 7 months it could break and become worse!! She said "If it gets worse phone us up and we will see what we can do."

So I phone the private dentist in town. The one I went to today. I was a bit surprised that I had to wait a whole week to get in but I guess being the only dentist in town they must get pretty busy. They were great. Very friendly and fast, well once you got there. Waiting a week was a killer. I was worried I would do more damage to my tooth before I got it fixed. In fact as I brushed my teeth this morning I broke a bit more off :(

Within half an hour of arriving at the dental surgery I was out and on my way home. No injections required (good 'cos I truly dislike them a lot). Even though I have no private health insurance it was worth the $160 I paid to get my tooth fixed. I can now smile with confidence again. I know that may sound a little vain but I love my smile & how it makes my eyes sparkle.

I do recommend that if you can afford it get the private health insurance. It is worth it. Medicare and pension cards only cover so much.


  1. WOW! A whole week with a broken front tooth!! I had one of my front teeth break off a few years back too, but I had to get into the dentist THAT DAY!! I was in so much pain and it kept jabbing my tongue. My talk-ability was affected "Big Time"!! LOL I don't know how you made it a whole week!! But I'm glad you made it...$160!!! Highway Robbery!!! ^_^

  2. Poetess, I wanted to go that day and was tempted to phone a dentist in the next town over from us. Sorry to hear that you were in pain with your tooth. I know how it feels when a rough, sharp tooth cuts into your tongue. Its horrific & can affect not only your talking but eating too :(

    Thankfully for me I didn't feel anything. Perhaps that was one reason why I didn't mind waiting. That and the fact that I don't like going to the dentist but who does?

  3. I hate when I have to go to the dentist because of an 'emergency'!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. Visiting the dentist is one of my least favorite things. Ugh! Private insurance is horribly expensive. For us, we weighted everything out and figured paying for the insurance would cost us just as much if not more instead of just paying out of pocket for any procedures. Plus, most things (like crown work) you have to wait a year to have done while on the insurance, which is crazy. My hubs will be having lots of dental work done hopefully in the coming weeks. Something we aren't excited about, but it hast to be done. I'm glad you can smile again. I'd be a mess, if my front tooth gotten broken.
    ~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
    The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

  5. Giggle, Laugh, Cry it is horrible to go because of an emergency. Thanks for stopping by too.

  6. Cathy, I thought about getting health insurance years ago but never got around to it. Here in Australia everything is covered by medicare. Well everything except dental. Sometimes its just easier to pay for things as you need it, just like you said. I hope that everything goes well for your husband & that it doesn't put too big a dent in your budget.

  7. It's ridiculous that we have to wait all this time to see someone in the medical profession. Either there aren't enough professionals about or it's a post code lottery.

    I guess you'll know in future to say you're in incredible pain and desperate to see someone!!

    CJ xx

  8. That does not sound like fun at all. I fell years ago and broke one of my front teeth--it splintered all the way up to the gum. I had to wait 2 days for the dentist (we were on vacation). I don't remember what all had to be done or how much it cost--and at the time, I probably didn't care. Just fix it and get me out of this pain!

  9. CJ, It does seem ridiculous to have to wait so long. The only problem is that the Public System usually pulls the broken tooth out rather than fixing it, its cheaper. There was no way I wanted to risk that happening.

  10. Beverly, gosh that must have been awful for you. I know exactly what you mean about the price. When it comes to my front teeth I would pay anything to make them look normal again.

  11. I just wanted to stop by and say hi and thanks for stopping by for a visit!
    God bless.

  12. Thanks Brenda. I'm glad you stopped by :)
