
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

What A Morning & Its Only Early

Oh gosh! I don't want to go anywhere else today until later this afternoon!!!

I had the usual Wednesday school run which consists of dropping Angus off to school then taking Brodie to TAFE (Technical And Further Education) in the next town over from us! Thank goodness the town is only 10 minutes down the road is all I can say.

They are doing road-works in the next town. Putting traffic lights in near the railway crossing. They have been working on it for weeks. I don't know why they didn't work on it over the Christmas/Summer school holidays when there would have been less traffic on the road. Whoever schedules that sort of thing obviously didn't think of that. So travelling to and from TAFE takes a lot longer than usual especially with the morning 'peak hour' traffic. It took almost 5 minutes to cross one of the intersections.

I had just gotten home (around 9am) and started preparing my breakfast when I got a phone call from Brodie. "Mum come and get me I want to come home!" of course I didn't rush to get him but told him I would be there within half an hour after I had my breakfast. I have learnt over the years that its good to let him wait a little. Brodie used to have this horrible habit of wanting things done immediately. I'm not sure if that was an Aspergers thing, a kid thing or maybe just a mixture of both.

So there I was heading back into the next town. Travelling just over a snails pace through the road-works (I will be glad when that is finished!) I met up with Brodie at a nearby car park and we had a bit of a chat. I wanted to find out what was going on and if I could convince him to go back to TAFE for the day. He was adamant that he wanted to go home. While we were talking he received a few text messages from his Integration Aide. He had received a few text messages from his Aide so we met up with her to talk about what had happened.

Brodie hasn't been in a good mood for a few days but it kind of escalated a bit yesterday when his best friend from school blamed him for making her feel miserable. She said that it was his fault that she often went from a good mood to a bad one. (Teenagers! They will be the death of me!) so of course this really affected Brodie. He is super sensitive at the best of times but for his bestie to have said that really cut him. He was not in the best frame of mind this morning. So when he got to TAFE the teacher had told him to sit down with the rest of the class or leave. (BIG mistake! Never EVER give an aspie that option. Not EVER! Not if you actually want them to stay) So of course Brodie said "I'm leaving!"

Brodie's aide and I convinced him to at least have a chat with the teacher. We all explained to him (the teacher included) that there will be times when people will say stuff that he wont like. That he needs to tough it out and get on with it. We also reminded him that he is almost 18 now (gosh I hate the thought of that) but as an adult there will be many things he will have to just deal with, suck it up and do it. We all have days like that.

Thankfully he went back into class. I think the fact that this afternoon they are doing more hands on stuff making and learning about coffee. So my young man is practising his barista skills. He liked the idea that he may even get to drink some coffee. Not that he should but its his choice and he is the one who needs to deal with that decision. I also gave him some money (and a docket for Subway for a free 6 in sub) so he can at least get some lunch today. The silly duffer spent nearly all of his allowance already.

What a morning! I need a break but I still have housework to do :(
Like I said earlier. I don't want to go anywhere else until later today when I have to!


  1. Jo, you make me proud to be a woman...and thankful I don't have children! {Not meant in as bad a way as it probably sounds} I get tired just reading about your days!...*sigh...for you!* :-]

  2. I had to laugh Poetess :) I know exactly what you mean.
    I must admit that sometimes my days are very tiring (and very trying). Even though today began as one of 'those' days it was much better than others. At least this problem was resolved quickly and turned out really well for Brodie.
    That being said its only just after 3:30pm and the day isn't over yet..

  3. I couldn't help but laugh at The Poetess' comment, too. Most times I feel sorry for my childless friends, but other times....well...

    Hope you're day gets better!

  4. Thank you Beverly. We did have a bit more drama. I don't know what to do with B & his bestie, who no longer wishes to be friends. Its awfully hard for Brodie to even make friends and for this to happen....
    I just hope that somehow today while they are at school they can patch things up.
