
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thankful Thursday


Its that time again to list what I am thankful for this week ...
  • for Luke, our postie, who delivers parcels. He brought me the yarn I won on ebay. I love it when he brings me things :D (I'll have to take a photo of what I am making with some of the yarn I got so you can see what I have been up to for the last two days)
  • for Mark. He rocks! I love him to the end of the universe & back! Okay maybe that is a bit over the top there but hey I love him to pieces!!
  • for my neighbour who was able to take Brodie to the school bus stop this morning because Emi wouldn't start. Thank you!!! You are wonderful and I truly appreciate your help.
  • for having the phone so that Mark is able to contact some mechanics to find one that will be able to come to our home & work on Emi. (just when you think things are going really well for the car we have a hiccup like the one we had this morning. Crossing fingers, toes, eyes and anything else that might helps that Emi gets fixed [easily] today!!)
  • that Angus's school is in town and he was able to catch his bus to school rather than get dropped off there by me this morning. Your co-operation in this was wonderful cutie! I really am grateful you did this without complaining. I know how much you HATE catching the bus in the mornings.
What are you thankful for this week?


  1. WOW Jo-anne! A lot of good things going on with you...and Oh NO! Emi again!!! :-/ I know how the car thing is!! I hope it gets fixed with little bother and little money having to be spent. {Wishful thinking I call that! LOL}...This week I am thankful for a hubby who bounces well on the ice; A father who bounces back well from back surgery; and for bouncing lyrics in my head that helped me record all of it! ^_^

  2. Poetess, they are all good things to be grateful for. I'm glad that your Dad is recovering well :)
    Your wishful thinking worked. Mark double checked the car and found a hole in a piece of hose. It cost $10 for a new one. Emi is now working again :) Mark really is a genius! :D

  3. YAY!!!! :-) Emi is on the road again!

  4. Sounds like you were able to look for the silver lining in what could have been a disastrous morning! Good for you and yours! Hope the car thing gets situated quickly.

  5. Beverly, considering yesterday morning was full of drama (again) we could've spent the time getting angry and negative about the whole thing. To be honest that really didn't come into my head at all. I had every confidence that the car would get fixed and that Mark would do the best he could (even though he didn't).
    Once the car was 'diagnosed' and the problem found it really didn't take all that long to repair :)
