
Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Tropical Cyclone Yasi

You know that saying - When it rains it pours - I am sure that's what the Queenslanders are thinking right now. That cloud mass in the picture above is Cyclone Yasi, a Category 5 cyclone [Hurricane for my friends in the US], and expected to hit landfall in a little over 11 hours from now.

The Bureau of Meteorology has said that it is worse than Cyclone Larry (one that his Qld a few years ago) and that it we should expect to see scenes of destruction similar to those of Cyclone Tracy which almost wiped Darwin off the map in 1974.

Sending good thoughts & wishes to all those in the path (or surrounding areas) of Cyclone Yasi.

If you wish to track the cyclone you can go HERE for more information.


  1. Oh No!!! :-/ The U.S. states are experiencing the worse snow and ice storm ever and you guys are getting a hurricane!! WOW!! Sending good thoughts to everybody in the path of these storms. Stay safe everybody!!!

  2. Poetess, the weather is so topsy turvy right now on a global scale. I have been watching the preparation on TV that the people of north Queensland have been doing. In some ways it is much easier than with the floods. They have been able to prepare for days, with the floods there was no chance.
    I just hope & pray that all the people who were unable to evacuate will remain safe.
    That also goes for the people who are being affected by the snow & ice storms in the US. I hope that they are able to stay warm & are able to wait it out in safety.

  3. Good grief! Can we all just say ENOUGH!

  4. Beverly, I totally agree with you. I think there would be many who are also thinking that the people of Queensland have had enough.

    I have yet to turn the television on to see how bad things went over night. I am scared or what things will be like now that the cyclone has made landfall. I almost don't want to look.
