
Tuesday, February 01, 2011

One Of Those Days

I am having one of those days. The kind where it is too hot to do anything and your brain doesn't function anywhere near its capabilities. I currently have that fuzzy feeling in my head which you know means its time for a Nanna nap! That couch is looking pretty darned good right about now.

I have managed to get some grocery shopping done, with Brodie's help. Thanks B! I also ordered Brodie's new music book for his guitar lessons which start next week. I have checked Angus's school uniform to make sure it still fits him (it does thank goodness). I also played a couple of games on the wii with Angus as well but now I am beat!

I need to snooze .... I really don't cope very well in this hot weather.


  1. You know, I endorse a little "nappy poo" on occasion...Okay, on even MORE than an occasion!! LOL Enjoy!

  2. It's the opposite here today - cool, damp, grey and overcast.
    Enjoy your nap ;)
    I love the pic you used here, sunsets and sunrises are always so pretty.

  3. Where are you that it's so hot? Here, my brain is frozen!

  4. Thanks Poetess. I didn't really manage to get much of a snooze but a lie down on the couch was almost as good :)

  5. Gosh Kia I wish it was cool and overcast. We have had temperatures around 104F over the past few days.

    Leslie, I live in country Victoria Australia. We're in the middle of Summer here and February is usually one of our hottest months.

  6. You have my permission to take a nap--after all, I am the queen bee around here! ;-)

  7. Sure thing Donna :) I will gladly do that for you.

    LOL thank you Beverly :)

  8. Snuck in a snooze myself yesterday, too hot for anything else ☺ Last night was worse

  9. I guess I am a little luckier where I live Maria, a cool change came through yesterday afternoon. Although it was still stuffy and warm indoors it made sleeping so much easier. I hope it cools down for you soon.
