Anyway, he phoned to let us know that the real estate agent had contacted him to tell him that the ceiling had collapsed.The damage is quite extensive. They've decided to fix up the place and sell it. They can always buy a new home once they are ready to come back to Victoria.
I feel bad for the people who were renting the place. Not only do they have to try and find a new place to live (which is almost impossible to do) they have a lot of their belongings damaged by the water.
:-( Oh No!! That's terrible...and I'm afraid I was worried that something like this was going to happen with all of that rain. Is Mark worried about his parents?! I hope they can get the house sold and be okay with a new residence... *sigh* And I hope the people who were living in the house get settled too. My family have been burned out before where we lost everything. It kind of emotionally stays with you. :-(
I guess we can't be lucky all the time. Mark & I were wondering how things were up in Emerald as we heard that there was a dam (just a small farm one) that may break but thankfully it didn't. Hearing about the house was one of the last things we expected.
Mark doesn't seem to worried about his Dad & Step-mum, they are very resourceful people. I can only imagine how they are feeling about the house. It was such a beautiful home too.
Oh no! What terrible news! I feel so bad for them. This weather situation is so weird and so devastating for so many people! Hope things improve soon.
Sorry to hear this. I see the pictures on the news and wonder where and how you ever start the clean up when something like this happens.
CinLynn, the weather patterns are playing up globally aren't they. With snow & ice storms, tropical storms and heatwaves. I just hope that things settle down soon.
Beverly, I would hate to even try to work out how you would begin to clean up after something like this. I was thinking the exact same thing when I was watching TV last month with the floods in Queensland, NSW and other parts of Victoria. It was heartbreaking.
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