1. Did you watch the Superbowl?
2. What is the last book that you read?
3. What is your favorite kind of cake?
4. Do you snore?
5. Do you play an instrument?
My Answers!

1. Did you watch the Superbowl?
Yes but only a little bit. I have no idea how the game is played but I liked the fact that one of the teams had Green & Gold just like the Aussie sporting colours!
2. What is the last book that you read?

I finished reading Ice Station by Matthew Reilly. He's an Australian author. Brodie raves about his books! Right now I am reading Matthew Flinders Cat by Bryce Courtney

Gosh do I only have to choose one? I LOVE Cheesecake and Chocolate Cake. I also LOVE lamingtons (see the picture on the left, its a sponge cake covered with chocolate & coconut) nom nom!

Not that I can hear but I have been told I do.
5. Do you play an instrument?

I used to be able to play the piano (I have pretty much forgotten everything) but I can play the recorder.
Hi Jo-Anne,
I have been thinking about you this week, wondering if you have been affected by the awful weather you guys are having down under? So far all my family and freinds have escaped but it does not look good.
Helen x
Hi Helen, we were more fortunate the some others. We only had some minor flooding in the carport and back yard. My in-laws home was not so lucky. Their ceiling caved in :( they were renting it out as they are working & living interstate at the moment. I feel bad for the renters who now have to find a new place to live.
Thank you for thinking of me :)
Glad you are doing OK but that is so sad about your in-laws home! What is laminations nom nom?
I feel pretty blessed thats for sure.
I've edited my post to include what lamingtons are. I thought if one person asked I am sure that someone else will :)
Basically lamingtons are a sponge cake, usually cut into cubes. They are then coated in a really yummy chocolate sauce and rolled in coconut. They're an Aussie favourite.
Wow, that chocolate dessert you posted looks great! I wonder if it is ever substituted with anything other than coconut. Yum! Thanks for visiting! :)
Thanks for stopping by benbidder. I don't think you can substitute the coconut for anything else. If you did it wouldn't be a lamington :)
hi there,hope all is well with you.heard bout the floods in Australia,'twas a sad sight.lamingtons surely look yummy!have a great day!
Thanks Shawie Girl, we're good here thanks. And the lamingtons, they are the best! Especially when they are fresh.
I watched the Superbowl too, with my hubby, while screaming at the players through the T.V. ^_^ It was so fun!...You and I are once again the same in the eating department. Cheesecake and chocolate cake here too...and anything with coconut in it, I'm in!!!...(Never heard of lamingtons though. You'll have to send me some! LOL...I don't snore, but hubby says I hum!...I'm musically inspired even in my sleep...even though the only instrument I can play is strumming on my guitar, without knowing what in the world I'm doing!! ^_^
Hi Poetess, how about I post a lamington recipe & then you or hubby can have a go at making them :) You won't be disappointed. I've never made them myself I prefer to buy them in the supermarket.
I've heard good things about Ice Station. What was your opinion?
All this cake 'talk' has GOT to stop. Or I just need to get some cake and eat it! LOL
I only watch the superbowl when the Steelers are in it. I wished they would have won, theres next year!
I can't believe how Christina Aguilera goofed up the national anthem!
I'm your newest follower.
Wow I forgot all about cheese cake too...I should have just said ALL CAKE!!
My niece lives in Australia; no where near the storms how about you?
I didn't watch the super bowl either, I read a good book. I found that much more enjoyable. The cake looks quite good.
Beverly, I really enjoyed reading Ice Station. Apart from a bit of swearing from a few of the Marines it was a pretty good action storyline.
EmptyNester, I know what you mean about the cake. I was fortunate enough that Angus had baked one the day before :) so I could satisfy my craving.
Hi TamTam, nice to meet you! I heard about Christina Aguilera making up new words to the anthem. Gosh I'm not even American and I know the words, well most of them.
lol Doree, I know what you mean about the cake. They are all pretty good.
I live in Victoria. Which is where the flooding occurred this weekend just gone. While we didn't get the full force of the cyclones we suffered from some of it after it turned into a tropical storm.
Gigi Ann, reading was pretty much what I did for the most part. I was reading blog posts more than I watched the Superbowl. Mainly because I just don't understand the game.
Oh gosh, I forgot about the recorder! We had to learn to play that in grade school. I remember driving my mom nuts by playing "Hot Cross Buns" over and over and over because that was all I knew how to play. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm your newest follower!
Hi Ohkeeka, its nice to meet you :)
Yes, Lamingtons!!!
So Australian.
My hubby & I read Matthew Reilly, too. My husband got to meet him and got his book signed.
oy, I completely forgot about cheesecake. I don't consider that a regular cake though but I LOVE cheesecake.
Augmented Gem, it really is yummy :)
Kat, Brodie will be jealous. He loves reading Matthew Reilly! Did you see him on Better Homes & Gardens last year? His house is beautiful!
Blueyes, I don't consider cheesecake as a regular cake either, its one of those kinds that you only have as a special treat :D
I'm your 90th follower :) Please follow back for more mutual blog visits.
Hi SJ, nice to meet you.
I'd love to see the Lamington recipe!! If I make them I'll blog about it too! ;-)
Poetess, I have never made them myself but I did see a fantastic recipe on TV not that long ago. I'll have to see if I can find it :) I am sure it will be on the web somewhere.
Hey, Jo-anne!
Thank you very much for visiting my answers to this meme! I hope you'll have an awesome week, too! And now I go and start thinking about these lamingtons.. This looks really alluring.. ;")
I have never heard of lamingtons. It looks really good.
Hope you have a great week.
Thank you Frl.IrenePalfry & Rochelle. Lamingtons are a very Australian thing :)
I'm an American, and I don't even know how football is played!
Playing the recorder is cool!!!
Rebecca, does that mean the game is hard to follow?
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