I got woken up before 7am to this BIG BOOMING voice swearing... "SHUT THE F*** UP!" I immediately woke up. It was Brodie. He was at it again. I hadn't heard all of the conversation because I was woken up so suddenly& had obviously missed it. He was going off at Mark again. All because Mark made a very simple statement/request: Whoever went to the toilet last make sure you flush it next time.
It might not have been those exact words but that was the gist of it. I was half asleep.
Of course with Brodie swearing things started to escalate (like they often do once Brodie starts yelling & swearing). Mark goes to his shed - its HIS space to go cool off. Its like Brodie's space in the bedroom when he closes the curtains around his bed. Except Mark wasn't able to go there in peace. He had slammed the sliding door shut & Brodie comes rushing out of his room hurling MORE abuse. Things get said that probably shouldn't get said. More swear words are thrown about. All the while I am trying to get Brodie to settle down & Mark too. If only Brodie didn't follow Mark things might have settled down a lot faster. You don't follow someone hurling abuse at them!! It's what Mark's ex the "DRAGON" did when she was hurling abuse at him [please don't think me mean for calling his ex Dragon, that was her nickname given to her by her family & if you knew her the reasons would be obvious].
Poor Angus was woken up by this as well. He's devastated that there is yet another fight at home. He goes into the lounge room where its dark and quiet. He's crying. I mean full on crying. It breaks my heart to see him this way. He doesn't want Mark to leave. He loves him to pieces, so do I. He's the only Dad Angus has really known especially since he doesn't remember his father that much.
Angus is worried that if Mark leaves and Brodie goes off again that he might get me in a headlock like he did once before. He doesn't want to see anyone hurt. He said Mum I wont know what to do if Brodie does that. I hug Angus. I mean what else is there to do other than hug him and tell him things will be okay.
Brodie finally settled. Angus stopped crying. Mark is in his shed asleep. The boys are now both at school. Me, well I'm okay but wishing that I could start the day again without any of this.
I am not blaming anyone for this episode. We all have days like this to varying degrees. Well I would like to think so or maybe it is just us families who have a child on the Autism spectrum. I know my family isn't "normal" that is only a cycle for a washing machine. My family is special & that means we wont be perfect. I don't expect us to be either. I do expect more from Brodie though, he has been taught to be better than this. I know he can do better, he has before.
All of this because Brodie was asked to flush a toilet.
I am so sorry to hear how tough the day started. You're right, no families nowadays are "NORMAL", but the reason is because we weren't meant from the beginning to be in these kind of pressure cooker type situations.
I've learned from the Bible that humans were given a perfect start...but we were betrayed into imperfection by our first parents. So....we do the best we can, as you are obviously trying to do, until the earth is brought back to the way it was originally intended...Wouldn't you love to be here to see that?!! :-) {Sorry about the preachy-ness. Couldn't help myself this time. :-)}
Poetess, I certainly don't see what you wrote as preachy. I was thinking of adding that I only know of ONE person who is perfect! I didn't want to seem preachy either.
You are right people, families, weren't meant to be in these types of situations.
Oh that reminds me I have to add another point to my thankful post...
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