
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What A Day!

Have you ever had one of those days where you wished you had stayed in bed? My day didn't start off that way but it certainly headed that way this afternoon and its not even 5pm yet!

First of all I had a busy morning. Angus and I went to Landmark [thank goodness they have an office/warehouse here in town] to collect Brodie's Physics Text Book & homework books or whatever they are called that he will need for this year. I am so glad that Brodie has money from Centrelink that helps him pay for all of this sort of stuff.

Then we headed off to the egg farm on the other side of town to get some eggs. I mean what else would you get from an egg far? Sill me. We buy 20 over-weight eggs for $5.50 which is a lot cheaper than the shops could ever offer them. Plus the eggs are usually double yolkers, although we have had a couple of eggs with three yolks in them once.

Then it was back into town to the Chemist. To collect my lotions and potions that my dermatologist prescribes for my psoriasis plus some other scripts that needed filling. Since the beginning of the year I have bought 15 prescriptions. That makes us a quarter of the way towards getting the PBS freebies. If we keep this up we should be on free medication by May (just like we did last year) or maybe even earlier. It's not a good thing really *sigh*

Afterwards we went grocery shopping. Just to grab a few things for tonight. The Missionaries are meant to be coming over for dinner. I just hope that they rock up. The last few times we invited them over for dinner they were no shows :( I know that there are more important things that they may be unable to change. I understand that but it is still disappointing when they can't come over. I need that lifeline sometimes. We don't see our Home Teachers and I rarely see my Visiting Teachers. Yes I know that people have lives but there are times when I crave the company of others. There are only so many conversations you can have with the kids. Gosh I am going off track here.

Anyway Angus & I went shopping. Came home unpacked. I started preparing stuff for dinner & Angus started baking (he truly has the baking bug!! I love it!!) He was very upset about the cornbread muffins he made. He burnt them. Hey its a learning experience. Accidents happen. Angus also baked a cake. That I can promise you did not get burnt. He watched it like a hawk!!

Then to top things off. I feel awful for Angus he was already feeling bad for burning the cornbread. His pet guinea pig, Jade, passed away. I just feel so bad for him. He said that it wasn't fair. That he will have to rethink getting another pet. He still talks about his budgie that he lost 4 years ago. And he is right it isn't fair :'(

I just hope that the rest of the day turns out better. Both Angus & I feel a bit blue about losing Jade. Even though she was only with us for a short time she was a bit of a character.


  1. :-( I'm so sorry about your losing Jade...They're like little furry members of the family, aren't they?! I hope today goes a bit better for you.

  2. Poetess, you're right they are members of the family. Angus is coping a bit better than I thought he would but I have a feeling he wont want another pet for a while.

  3. What a day! Hope you got a good night's rest and today is better. Knowing my feeble brain, I've probably said this before--but I didn't realize you are LDS. Lifelong member? Convert?

  4. Beverly, I am really good at keeping that a secret ;) I'm a convert.
    I'm hoping today will be much better too :)
