
Monday, January 24, 2011

My Car Is Sick

We took the car to the mechanics today. Well Mark took it. The mechanic phoned us an hour or so ago telling us what was wrong with the car.

It seems our Emi is a really sick girl [Yes I named my car]. In fact to the point where we aren't even going to bother to get her fixed, well not today. The mechanic said the head gasket was gone and considering how much it would cost to get it repaired he agreed with Mark that the better (& cheaper) option is to just replace the engine.

So that is exactly what we will be doing. We've booked it in at the wreckers (yeah I know it sounds odd to have you car worked on at the wreckers but that's what they do here not sure about anywhere else) for later this week. Hopefully everything will be sorted out and I will have a car that will not longer burp & fluff like she has bad indigestion.

I want it all sorted before school goes back. Thankfully that isn't until the end of NEXT week!


  1. Yikes! I know about head gaskets. My dad is a Mechanic. He taught us all a bit about what to listen for when it comes to our cars. And I know how much new engines cost too....YIKES!!!!

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one who names cars. Poor Emi! That's pretty major a head gasket going. Get well soon.
    Being a complete idiot I have only just seen your wonderful comment left on the 21st January about the award you kindly passed onto me. I don't normally check that page but I'm doing an award post in a day or two so went to look at it.
    Many, many thanks. I'm going to obviously thank you properly when I do my post but in the meantime I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you thinking of me and being so compimentary about my blog.
    Beep beep to Emi...hope she's soon back on her wheels!

  3. Stopping back on the MMOM blog hop, I sure hope your car recovers quickly from her transplant. :) It is so fustrating having a car that doesn't work! I hope you are no where near the flooded area since you are getting more rain (not that you need more rain there). Have a great week!

  4. Thank you Poetess, Carol & Coupon Queen. I have also found out that the transmission needs fixing/replacing too. What's that saying, when it rains it pours? That's how it feels here right now, at least with things that need fixing.

    Poetess, its around $700 for a reconditioned motor :( I have no clue about the cost for the transmission yet.

    Carol, you're very welcome about the award. I love readings your posts :)

    Coupon Queen, we are very fortunate to be living on the other side of the state to where the flooding currently is.

  5. I’m sorry about what happened to your car. Did the mechanic also say what caused the problem? Anyway, whatever it is, I hope that you already learned your lesson. Don’t forget to have your car checked for maintenance!

    -Erwin Calverley
