
Monday, December 20, 2010

Meet Me On Monday 27thEdition

Hosted by Java at Never Growing Old


1. What will your Christmas dinner consist of?
2. Do you watch commercials or flip through the channels?
3. How long will you leave your Christmas decorations up?
4. What movie makes you cry every time you watch it?
5. Do you have a Facebook?


My Answers!

1. What will your Christmas dinner consist of?
Mark & I were talking about that tonight. We've decided to have roast lamb & roast chicken. Veggies so far consist of smashed potatoes, roasted pumpkin & carrots. Perhaps some peas, corn or beans. Dessert is a bit up in the air at the moment because our guests don't eat Christmas pudding. So I have no idea what we will be having yet.

2. Do you watch commercials or flip through the channels?
Sometimes I watch the commercials and other times I flick to see whats on the other channels. I have found that the other TV stations have commercials on at the same time. I think they rig it that way! I have also been known to zone out when the ads come on. I might be looking at the TV but I have no idea what the commercial was.

3. How long will you leave your Christmas decorations up?
We usually take our decorations down on January 6th. 12 days after Christmas. I'm not sure why but that's what we do.

4. What movie makes you cry every time you watch it?
I don't think there is a specific movie. I get so into movies that I cry whenever a main character or a favourite one dies.

5. Do you have a Facebook?

Yes I do. I've been on it for a few years now. In fact I introduced my boys to it. BIG mistake!


  1. Your Christmas dinner sounds yummy!

    I'm trying to stay away from Facebook but it's hard. Those games are too addicting. LOL

  2. You don't have a tear-jerker movie to cry at?!! I could loan you a few!! :-] Although my nick-name is "Puddles"...I cry at almost everything! ^_^

  3. Your Christmas dinner sounds wonderful. Enjoy and have a very Merry Christmas.

  4. Thanks Yvonne :) I'm a bit addicted to Facebook too .. its those games! Although I am no where near as bad as I used to be!

    Poetess, I just couldn't think of any movies when I posted this. However, now that I have had time to reflect I would say movies like Joan of Ark, Deep Impact, Titanic. I would say it could be just about any movie. I'm a bit of a sook!

    Hi Laurie, nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by!

    Thank you Debby. I hope you have a Marry Christmas too :)

  5. Hi, I am a new follower from the blog hop...I hope to see you over at

    I am sorry to hear about your back...pain is the most undertreated illness in our country and back pain is not a minor issue. I hope you get better quickly and are able to have a wonderful Holiday Season!!!

  6. Thank you Heather. It nice to meet you :)
    My back has improved tremendously after I took some strong pain killers my doctor prescribed.
    I think I am overly cautious about what I do at the moment. I certainly don't want that kind of pain again.
