
Monday, December 20, 2010

Look What The Postman Brought Today!

Look .. ALL the way from Massachussetts .. A Wuglyees Original! From our lovely PoetessWug!

Look at the pretty parcel that is inside the box! All wrapped so carefully.

I almost didn't want to open it because it looked so nice. The parcel would have looked so pretty under the Christmas tree. However I wasn't going to wait to open it for a second longer!

Look at the pretty Peacock scarf!!
And do know what's even better? The weather here in Victoria has taken on a rather wintry feel these past few days and its cool enough for me to wear my NEW scarf!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Poetess for my lovely scarf! It makes my neck feel so warm and toasty! Did you wash it with something? It just smells so nice!

You can find PoetessWug's blog HERE and her etsy shop with all her Wuglyees Originals HERE
You should really go check out what she has available in her store! What a talented person!!


  1. YAY!!! You got it!! :-) I'm so glad you like it too!! Thank you for all of the nice words about my shop too! I hope you get many warm neck days to wear my little peacock "baby". {Made me giggle that the weather is cool enough to actually wear it...considering all the humidity you were recently talking about! LOL} have a good Wuglyee day, Jo-anne!! ^_^

  2. Awww, what a wonderful tribute to Wuglyees!! Her scarves are gorgeous, aren't they!! I love the way you photographed each step of opening it too! :))

  3. You are so welcome Poetess :)
    I found it funny that the weather was playing nice enough to let me wear it considering it is summer here. We had snow up in the alpine region over the weekend that's how cold its been! We almost thought that we would have a white Christmas!
    I am going to cherish this scarf! xoxo

  4. I know CinLynn, Wuglyees scarves are wonderful! I was so excited about my parcel arriving that I just had to share opening my gift :)

  5. WOW! Thank you both, CinLynn and Jo-anne, for such nice things you've said! I think I'm going to live up to my nickname for sure today!! ;'_';
