
Wednesday, December 01, 2010

The Laptop Saga Part 2


WOOHOO!!! Happy Dance time!! I just got a phone call from Angus's High School. Everything has now been resolved! The money from the Scholarship (you can find out about the saga part 1 HERE) has been credited to my account. ALL $600 of it because they could NOT find any record of the money being used in regards to laptop payments or to our account prior to my asking about it last week.

I guess you could call this an early Christmas present. It also means that I wont have to pay anything for Angus's school fees next year and possibly his text books too. YAY!!


Empty Nester said...

That is most definitely an early Christmas gift!!!!

PoetessWug said...

YAY!!! Good job! And WHEW!!! :-] {By the way, check my blog're featured! ^_^}

Jo-anne Blossy said...

It was a good job! I love this outcome!
Me Poetess? I'll definitely be popping over :)