
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

One Of THOSE Mornings

We had another one of THOSE starts to the day. You know the type. The ones where the boys have a disagreement. Well maybe not both boys but one in particular does. The kid with the potty mouth, the LOUD mouth, the kid who tells people where to go, the kid who is talking online with a girl who decides to join him with the verbal the abuse towards the little brother.

Yes it was one of THOSE mornings!

I hate mornings like this. I had to intervene because that is what you do. Its what I do. Only if you do say something you cop the "F" work in 50 million different sentences (okay so I exaggerated but it felt like that many & I am certain that he would've make a trooper blush!). I've had enough of these starts to the day. Enough to last a lifetime or two. I told Mr Potty mouth to leave. So he did. He packed his school gear, took his meds and went outside. I assumed he began walking to the bus stop. I wasn't going to chase him as that only makes matters worse. I was going to leave home at the usual time and pick him up on the way.

However he had different ideas. Mr Potty mouth went to the house of one of the kids from his school and got a lift with them to the bus stop. The reason I know this is he was at least kind enough to send me a text message letting me know he's got a ride. I replied to him wishing him the best for today's Music exam.

Poor Angus asked me afterwards, once Brodie had left, if it was his fault that this tantrum/explosion happened. It certainly wasn't. He had hardly uttered a word at all before Brodie blew his stack. I feel so bad that Angus even thought that it was his fault.

Now I am left wondering if this is one of the reactions Brodie has in order to handle the stress of exams. He's not one of those types of kids who reacts well to exams, not that many kids enjoy them they just cope better than my aspie. It just makes me think that it's his way of coping when the day is an unknown. Brodie was never one of those kids who coped at all during the end of the school year & he's the same way at the beginning of a new school year too. I am not making excuses for him but maybe it is his way of trying to get things under control. After all he knows how we will react if he blows his stack. Who knows?

Brodie only has one more exam and that's tomorrow. I'm just crossing my fingers that he doesn't start the day like he did today. I am also crossing my fingers that when I pick him up at the bus stop tonight he is in a much better frame of mind.


  1. WOW! Sounds like I should be thankful I wasn't in your house this morning! :-)) Tough! I feel bad for both of the boys. It's tough growing up ANYWAY, but when stress gets thrown into the mix...WOW! Good job Mom, knowing how to handle it!

  2. Thanks Poetess. I'm about to go meet Brodie at the bus stop shortly. I hope he is in a better mood when I see him.

  3. Bless your heart. Hope the day got better and tomorrow is better still.

  4. Thank you Beverly. So far so good at the moment but it is only 7:21am here so anything could happen.
