
Monday, November 15, 2010

Meet Me On Monday 22nd Edition

Hosted by Java at Never Growing Old

1. Do you eat Sushi?
2. What kind of bath soap do you use?
3. How often do you talk to your Mom?
4. What TV shows do you watch on a regular basis?
5. Did you start Christmas shopping yet?


1. Do you eat Sushi?
To be honest I have never really tried it.

2. What kind of bath soap do you use?
I use one that I buy from the local farmers market made using vegetable oil rather than animal fat. I think they are much nicer than the ones bought in the supermarket.

3. How often do you talk to your Mom?
Sadly I can't talk with my Mum. She passed away a little over 10 years ago. Although there are times when I still 'talk' to her. Sometimes I just wish she could answer.
4. What TV shows do you watch on a regular basis?
Packed to the Rafters, Sea Patrol, Home & Away, Iron Chef, Criminal Minds, CSI Miami, The Mentalist, CSI, Heartbeat, Iron Chef Australia, Warehouse 13, Caprica, Bones, Castle, Mythbusters, The Fringe, Human Target. There are more but I just can't think of them right now. I record a lot of these shows on the PVR and watch them when I have the time.

5. Did you start Christmas shopping yet?
Yes I started the other week and I have pretty much finished it too. Normally I start during the after Christmas sales but I didn't this time round.


  1. I like Human Target too. I didn't list it, but I am anxiously waiting for it to start up again. :)

    Have a great day!

  2. Oh gosh so far I am the only one to like sushi!

  3. We watch Parenthood, Friday Night Lights, Biggest Loser, Undercover Boss, Survivor and FOOTBALL!

    I used to talk to my mom ALL the time when she was alive. We got along great! I miss her a lot!

    Haven't started Christmas shopping yet . . . we have birthdays coming up first!

    Stopping by from Over 40. I didn't get my Meet Me On Monday up this week, but still like to visit others.

  4. Rumtruffle, I don't know if I like sushi as I've never had the opportunity to try it. At least not yet :)

    Karen I forgot about Parenthood I watch that too. I really identify with Adam & Kristina because of Max having Aspergers.

    Kalea_Kane, we are probably so far behind you with Human Target. We often don't get shows until the second season starts in the US. I can't think of who he is but I really like the tech guy.

  5. Wow, almost finished with Christmas shopping? Lucky!!!

  6. Sounds like you Christmas shop like I do--get it done instead of dragging it out. I find I spend less money that way.

  7. I'm enjoying getting to know you...and some of your commenters. I HAVE tried sushi, but it's not something I would purposely go out to dinner to have. Just saying. To each his own. :-)

  8. Enjoyed reading your answers. You have an interesting list of TV programs that you watch. Have a wonderful week.

  9. I've never tried sushi either! lol

    Happy Monday!

    My Answers <3

  10. Hi Nancy, nice to meet you.

    Empty Nester, I find I don't have to buy for as many people these days. Plus a lot of my family live interstate. I don't always buy for them.

    Beverly, it sure makes things easier on the budget when you can spread out the purchases. Only trouble is I sometimes want to give the presents out for birthdays instead.

    Poetess, after reading some of the other blog hop responses about sushi I am not even sure I want to try it any more :D

    Thanks Debby, I hope you have a great week too!

    Thanks Brandi!

    Hugs to you Hilary. I hope it helps you to talk to your Dad that way, I know it helps me.

  11. I am your newest follower from Meet Me on Mondays!!

    I have gotten a few things for Christmas too! Yeah I think we should give each holiday enough time to celebrate...but I think Christmas can be celebrated all year round! ;-)

    Have an awesome day!
