
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Interchange & Respite

We had an interview, for want of a better word, with Interchange Central Gippsland Inc (ICG) yesterday. Brodie has been accepted into their Roadies program. It's on a trial basis for the moment because we just want to make sure that it's the right kind of program for him & that he likes it.

Brodie gets to go on his first activity day this Sunday. Sadly, we will have to miss Church for this one but to be honest I feel that his attending this is very important, if not more important than us attending a Sacrament meeting. To be honest I am not all that fussed about attending Church at the moment any way. Sorry Miss Diva I know I promised to talk with you about all of this kind of stuff and there is no excuse really that I haven't. Maybe one day soon I'll fill you in on everything.

Now where was I .. oh yes back to the Roadies program. The kids get to do things like go to the zoo, see movies, go bowling, sailing, visit the snow fields, visit Phillip Island and more. The kids with Aspergers get teamed up with a teenage volunteer, a buddy for the day, and they get to do the activities together. Of course there are other adults there too about six of them I think to help supervise.

There is only one draw back and that is the amount of paperwork I need to fill out but that is a very small price to pay. Roadies sounds like loads of fun. I know Brodie will enjoy it! Now all I need to do is find something for Angus to do so that he doesn't feel left out. Maybe I'll leave it up to him and see what he would like to do.

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