
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bushfire Photos

These photos were taken just a few days after "Black Saturday" (Feb 7th). The picture above was taken just down the road from the boys old Primary School. The school was safe because Elvis was able to dump water on it.

This is the road the Caravan Park, where we used to live.

What you can see in the sky isn't cloud but smoke that is coming from Bunyip State Forest. The fire went for approximately 6 weeks before they went completely out with some decent rains we had around 10 days ago.

This photo was one I took on Black Saturday from our front yard. The smoke was so thick. We were under ember attack at the time. If you look at the house on the right and see how brown the grass is. That was what the whole area looked like. As dry and as brown as anything. In all the years I have lived here I had never seen it so dry as it had been this past summer.

With the rain we have had the other weekend every thing has come up so green. It looks so much more alive now than it has been in months.
I must remember to take some photos near Brodie's bus stop. The trees are burnt but the grass is beginning to come back. It's still surreal looking but at least things are beginning to grow again.

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