
Monday, August 18, 2008

Not a Good Start to the Week

Our poor little man had an accident at school this morning. I got a phone call at around 9:30 am. Angus had tripped over a trolley in the sports shed when he was putting something away. As he fell he banged his arm on a metal rake (not sure what it was doing in a sports shed but that's another matter I guess). Anyway to cut a long story short he has broken his arm!! We spent a few hours down at the hospital this morning getting x-rays, etc done. It was lunchtime by the time we finally got home.

Angus, the poor little man, has not had a good few days. It all started when he got a phone call last Friday night from his soccer coach saying that due to the number of kids in the team (we have 18 kids and only 16 can be named for the team each week) he will not be playing in the game on Saturday (our first finals game). Now Angus & I knew why he wasn't chosen and it was NOT for the reason the coach gave us. In fact there were several parents at the Game on Saturday who knew why as well. You see Angus isn't one of the strongest players on the team. He has trouble running sometimes and it's been that way ever since his leg was broken when he was little. Anyway he and another boy were 'given' the week off from playing. Something that happened a lot during the season when we played a stronger team. Not that it mattered as the team lost anyway. And there were a few kids who didn't get play either even though they were on the bench and listed as playing the game on the day. These kids on the interchange bench never got a go.

I was so angry and still am. How could the coach put the game before these kids. They are part of the team and deserved to play just as much and the more stronger and more skilled kids. Angus worked his little butt of during practise in the hope that he would be given the opportunity to play. The coach said that those who practised the hardest during the week would be playing. Oh Gosh even just typing about this makes me so angry and so tearful. It was just so unfair! I am seriously thinking of writing a letter of complaint. I know one of the other parents is going to. It is just wrong to get the kids hopes up in the hope of playing and letting them sit there on the bench for the WHOLE game!

So the season is now over - the team lost 2 - 0. The 'weaker' kids could've played anyway as we were losing. There would've been no harm done and maybe the fresh legs would've made all the difference in the score. The ground was horrible and soggy. The other kids were tired after playing it such hard conditions. The interchange kids were ready and more than willing to play in the mud and rain. It may have made a difference. Now we will never know.

I think it's time I get off my soap box! I am getting way to worked up over this soccer game!

Before I forget. Even with all the pain that Angus was in today with his broken arm he was so thoughtful. You see he had been helping me crochet beanies and blankets for the knit 4 charities group I am in. He said to me and he looked quite upset as he said it. "Mum, I can't crochet!" What a sweetheart to think of others when he could've easily have put himself first and not even thought about the charities we could help.

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