
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

From Bad to Worse

Would you believe that this week has progressively gotten worse. After what happened on Monday I would never have thought that things would get worse. I now have three sickies on my hands.

Yesterday I got a phone call from the High School. It was Brodie saying he was still not feeling 100%. So I told him that I would come and collect him. I ended up making a doctors appointment but it wasn't until after I picked Angus up from school. It turns out that Brodie has the flu and that he should start feeling better soon (so the doctor said).

As the night progressed Angus began feeling ill too. Complaining of feeling hot and then extremely cold. Looks like he has the flu too. During the night Mark was vomiting and he already has an infection. He too was feeling hot and cold. So it looks like I have all three of my boys sick with the flu. I just hope that they keep their germs to themselves and I don't get it. That's the last thing I want or need.

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