
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

I've been Lasered!

Yesterday I had Peripheral Iridotomy from narrow angle closure in my eyes. It's a type of glaucoma. Basically it's where the drainage ducts in the eyes narrow to the point where the fluid that lubricates/moisturises they eye stop functioning properly and the fluid is unable to drain. It can cause headaches, nausea and pressure build up in the eye.
Image is from Melbourne Eye Centre

I didn't really have any symptoms when I was diagnosed by my optometrist last month but over the past few weeks my eyes did tend to get sore every day. I thought it was just too much screen time but it was happening whether I was using the computer or not.

Just before the laser treatment the specialist said,  "I'll just close the door so that the other patients don't get scared by the screams". He obviously had to be joking, right?
I responded by saying, "I though that only happens when you go to the dentist."

Prior to the treatment I had several anaesthetic drops placed in both of my eyes over a period of about 10 minutes as both needed to be done (lucky me!) but it still felt like I had been flicked in the eye when the laser was being used. Not a horrible pain just an annoying feeling. Like when you've accidentally poked yourself in the eye. thankfully that sensation didn't last very long.

Fortunately I wont need this procedure to be done again. I just need to make sure I see my optometrist every year for a check up. I can live with that.


Hazel said...

You have my sympathy,I'm terribly squeamish when it comes to eyes.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks Hazel. I feel the same way about my eyes. I even dislike having drops in them. I had to be very brave. I am truly grateful that I will never have to have that procedure done again.