One stall I always visit is a soap one run by Helen & her husband. They make the soaps themselves. They have vegetable oil in them rather than animal fat. The soaps don't get as soggy and slimy as regular soaps do. They also come in the most amazing fragrances.

There's another stall we always go to if they are there. They sell dried fruits, nuts & assorted lollies. We usually by the hot mix (nuts, soy crisps, wasabi peas, dried beans & something that is so hard you could break a tooth on it) which is really spicy but I've gone off that at the moment.

One other stall I also visit is run by Des. She lives locally, grows her own veggies & sells them at the market. She has a lot of bargains is usually a lot cheaper than the supermarket & I believe the veggies taste better.
Silly me though I should've taken my camera with me and taken some photos of the stalls. It would make my post look a lot better. Maybe next time :)
Farmer's markets are the best! Sometimes you end up with stuff you can't do without, but that you didn't know you absolutely needed before you went! LOL ... The sesame covered curry peanuts look delicious!
Poetess, I just love the market. You find all sorts of knick-knacks there. You're absolutely right they are the best!
I think I did pretty well this time and I came home with only stuff we needed. Well except for the snacks :)
That's awesome. I totally love farmers market. And I am obsessed with hand made soap, it is the only soap I use. You are so sweet, I noticed you stop by a lot of different blogs to say hi, that's very thoughtful.
I was reading your about me section. You must be a very strong woman, it is hard to care for somebody with a personality disorder and raise kids at the same time. It's very inspiring.
Thank you for your kind words Tatianna :)
I love visiting other peoples blogs. Although there are times when I wish I could spend more time visiting.
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