
Monday, January 24, 2011

Meet Me On Monday 32nd Edition

Hosted by Java at Never Growing Old


1. What is your favorite kind of fudge?
2. Is there snow outside your window?
3. What is your favorite meal of the day?
4. Do you text on your cell phone?
5. Waffles or pancakes?

My Answers!

1. What is your favorite kind of fudge?
It really doesn't matter what kind. I just love fudge! The fresher the better! Nom nom.

2. Is there snow outside your window?
No, we don't get snow where I live but it is raining.

3. What is your favorite meal of the day?
Tea time (that's dinner for the non-Aussie folk). It's the one meal of the day where we all sit down together as a family.

4. Do you text on your cell phone?

I would rather send text messages than phone people. Although I tend to use SMSPup because its free. And free is good!

5. Waffles or pancakes?
To be honest I don't think I have ever tried waffles so I can't say whether I would like them or not. So I guess its pancakes.


Helen Pigott said...

Hello Jo-anne
Thought I would hop on by via MMOM. Waffles are good especially with cream and bananas, Oh gosh just realised Java is talking about food again, this is not good for my waist line! Hope you have a good week.
Helen x

Java said...

Hi Jo-anne!!

You've never tried waffles?? don't know what you are missing! Come on over and I'll make you some!!

I too would rather text then talk!

Hope you have a great week!!


Kris said...

No waffles? You'd like them!!

benbidder said...

Thanks for the comment! Wow, never tried waffles! You must put that to do on your list! :D I like them with both syrup like pancakes or strawberries. Yummy!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

It truly seems like I am missing out on the waffle thing after checking a lot of the other blog hop participants.

Java, Kris & Benbidder I will definitely put them on my to do list :)

Rumtruffle I like the sound of having waffles with banana & cream. Nom nom.

Shawn said...


You have never tried waffles??!! Well, after you go to Java's you can head over to my house! We will both feed you a feast of waffles!
Have a great week,

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Sure thing Shawn I'll be there :) After all the photos I have seen I am sure that I would LOVE them!

Carrie @carrieloves said...

Never had waffles? You must put this on your list to-do for 2011!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks Carrie. I certainly will :)

Barbara said...

I always think of waffles as those frozen potato things by Birds Eye! They must be an American dish. Agree with you about texting!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Barbara, I am sure waffles originated in the US. When you mentioned the frozen potato things I think of hash browns or potato gems.

Unknown said...

Raining still? Yuck! Go get some waffles--with lots of butter and syrup! You won't be sorry!

PoetessWug said...

I don't think you're missing out on anything with not having had waffles! They're good and everything if they're crisp around the edges, but they get cold so fast (because of the construction of them) that I don't usually enjoy them. I'm a slow eater...Pancakes stay hot!! :-)

Nia said...

Waffles is definitely worth a try! Update us when you already did! :)

Everly said...

stopping by from Meet Me on Monday

I would definitely rather text that talk to someone on the phone. texting is right to the point and quick.

have a great week.

Empty Nester said...

What?! No waffles???? You have to try them---made in a heart shaped waffle iron.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks Beverly & aiNe. When Mark found out I hadn't had waffles before he said that we had to have some with maple syrup and bacon. It sounds like an odd combination to me but I guess I can try anything once :)

Poetess, I like the sound of waffles being crispy. They certainly look good in photos. Thank you for the tip about them getting cold quickly. I'll have to remember to only have a small amount so that they wont get cold.

Thanks for stopping by Jennifer. Sending a text sure does make you choose the right words to send. Definitely quick & to the point :)

Yvonne said...

I love fudge too! That picture makes it look even more delicious.

Have a great week!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

EmptyNester, I've never seen a heart shaped waffle before. Looks like I might need to go shopping ;)

Glad you liked the picture Yvonne. It does make fudge look even yummier :)

dtbrents said...

I love your blog and will visit often. I'm adding your button to my blog. Doylene

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thank you Doylene, that's made my day :) I am glad you like visiting my blog.

Karen said...

I think you'd like waffles if you tried them. They are delicious!! Hope you're having a great day! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Karen

Jo-anne Blossy said...

You're welcome Karen & thanks for visiting here too.
I still haven't tried waffles yet but they are definitely on my to do list :)