
Monday, January 17, 2011

Meet Me On Monday 31st Edition

Hosted by Java at Never Growing Old


1. Do you like your ice cream in a dish, waffle cone, pretzel cone, sugar cone or cake cone?
2. Do you read the newspaper daily?
3. Marinara or meat sauce?
4. Last time you cried?
5. What word/phrase do you find really annoying?


My Answers!

1. Do you like your ice cream in a dish, waffle cone, pretzel cone, sugar cone or cake cone?
It depends on my mood but its usually on a stick.

2. Do you read the newspaper daily?
I read the news online usually through Google Reader. I do buy the Sunday paper but I only ever read the TV guide.

3. Marinara or meat sauce?

Definitely meat sauce.

4. Last time you cried?
Yesterday when I was reading through some blog posts and news articles about the floods here in Australia.

5. What word/phrase do you find really annoying?
It would have to be when someone automatically says "I don't know" The boys say it way too often and without even thinking. To me its just laziness. I swear its their automatic answer in the hopes of getting out of trouble. Choose some other words to say please.


Bees With Honey said...

Mmm, ice-cream on a stick is yum! I have to agree with you. Visiting you via Java over at Never Getting Old:)

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks for stopping by Bruna :)

shawiegirl said...

hi thanks for the visit!am hoping the situation will get back to normal soonest in the flooded parts of Australia..

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks Shawie Girl. And thank you for stopping by.

dtbrents said...

Great pictures. Thanks for sharing with us. Doylene

kalea_kane said...

Jo-anne you just came across the phrase that annoys me!!!! When my son says "I don't know" my skin crawls.

I am sorry about the devastation that has hit Australia. I hope there will be reason for joy soon.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks for stopping by Doylene.

Thank you Kalea_Kane.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds that phrase annoying.

Helen Pigott said...

Just saying 'Hi' whilst hopping on by.
I can understand why you would be crying over the flood reports, some are very sad. One of my friends works in Rochester and her school has been flooded, she lives nearby but so far her home is safe.
Please pop by and say 'Hi' too.
Helen x

PoetessWug said...

Okay!!! I like these questions! I can eat ice cream any way, any where, any time! LOL I don't read the paper. I get it my news from T.V.; Meat sauce is my friend too! I cry every day just about...My nickname is "Puddles". ^_^ And I am not annoyed very often by words. Bring it on!!! :-]

Karen said...

Stopping by from the blog hop. Hoping you stop by, follow me back, and check out my giveaway (going on until Friday)...

Pinkim said...

Hi there, You have a great blog...I saw you over on my blog and decided to stop by...I like it and so have decided to follow...I love some of the things you show that you have knotted, and that you have supported some of these causes...Pinkim from TrulySimplyPink

Unknown said...

LOL - It seems that "I don't know" and "I know" (with the eye-roll) seem to be equally annoying!

I really enjoyed looking through your posts and am glad to have found you through MOMM. I'll be back!

Marie said...

I'm really sorry about all the devastation in Australia -- we've been watching the news reports and it's just so sad. I do hope things get better soon!


Karen said...

I agree with you about I Don't Know. I don't let my students say it, only "Let me think for a moment."
You're right, it's Princess Bride. You're the only one who's ventured a guess.
Going to check out your link to the floods. Got a couple blogger friends I'm concerned about.
New follower. blessings, k

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Helen, I'm glad to hear that your friend is safe.

Poetess, what a great nickname. I thought it might have been because you liked jumping in puddles as a child :D

Hi Karen, its nice to meet you.

Thanks Pinkim. I loved the look of your blog its nice & pink :)

Alicia, I think they are almost identical. Thanks for stopping by :)

Thanks Marie. Things are slowly getting better for some of the flood victims. They just want their lives back to normal.

Another Karen :) Hi! It's nice to meet you! I love watching the Princess Bride. Gosh Let me think a moment is almost like I don't know but slightly better!

Yvonne said...

Great post! Happy Monday!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks Yvonne. Happy Monday to you too!

Nia said...

I absolutely agree with you about your answer#5. It's purely laziness, I sometimes do that. But that was before. LOL! Have a great day! :)

Jo-anne Blossy said...

lol aiNe I hope you have a great day too!

Donna @ The House on the Corner said...

What makes the "I don't know" response even more lovely is when it's accompanied by a shoulder shrug....makes me CRAZY!

Hope you and your are safe from the flooding. It sure has been a heck of a season.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Yes Donna, shoulder shrugs does make that phrase even more annoying.

We are safe from the floods where I live. It hardly seemed to rain here at all.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Hi Ellie, it's nice to meet you!