
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Text Book Sales

I went up to Brodie's school this morning for their Annual Book Sale. I go each year in the hope to pick up the textbooks required for the following years subjects.

This year I only had to get the Physics books (there are three of them) and the VCE Further Maths book. There weren't too many Year 12 VCE kids/parents in the line before the sale started so I was hoping that we would be able to get what we needed. Oh boy was I wrong! I only managed to get one book & that was the one for Maths. Thankfully I got that for a bargain at less than half price. They are over $66 for a new one.

I was desperately wanting the Physics book. To get all three brand new is over $120. No one was selling them on ebay when I looked :( and there were none at the sale. I have now had to order brand new ones. Thank goodness Brodie gets an Education Allowance from Centrelink because he is on Disability. At least the cost is covered that way!

I know I am probably repeating myself but darn it when I was in High School we paid a deposit at the beginning of our school year & we borrowed out texts from the book room. If we returned each book at the end of the year we got our deposit back! I don't see why the schools can't do that. It would save so much time, effort & money!

All I need to do is visit Angus's school and see what books I can get from there. I would hate to have to buy ALL the books he needs too. I swear schooling should be FREE!!!!! I am sure that my parents never paid as much as I do to send kids to school.


Empty Nester said...

We pay fees ($35 I think, without all the extras, just books) and the schools give out the books. At the end of the year, the kids give the books back. The only way we pay is if the book is lost or completely torn up and no longer usable.

Did you try Amazon? They have a textbook section and you can get them used. Or, at least, it used to be that way. And there's another place too that might have them: Look in the green column and you'll see items for sale and then grade levels. It's a homeschool swap site but they might have what you're looking for.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks EmptyNester. I never thought of Amazon. I might have a look at them before I have to submit Angus's booklist.

PoetessWug said...

It's been a long time since I was in school, but I think here in the States kids only have to pay for courses and books in College. {After the required primary education through 12th grade} They may have to pay for pencils and paper, but I'm not sure. I'm out!!! And I don't have I'm a little in the dark about these things. {And I like it that way! ^_^}

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Poetess, it was like that when I went to college. We had to buy our textbooks & stationery. Here in High School you do exactly the same thing too. Sometimes I wish I was in the dark with all the costs for school too. It would be nice to not have to worry about fees altogether.

Belly Charms said...

I think college was the first time I bought books. I don't really remember though. I am stopping back my from Meed me on Monday.:) Have a great day.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Belly Charms, thanks for stopping by and don't worry about not remembering I get like that too :)