
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Sensory Victory!

I've noticed over the past few years that Brodie has been losing some of his sensory issues that have been a problem in the past. When he was little he absolutely refused to go outside without socks and shoes on. He hated the feel of the grass, concrete or dirt on his feet. The only time he went barefoot was when he was getting in and out of the bath. Oh the battles we had when we were in a hurry to go somewhere and he wouldn't leave the house without his shoes & socks on. I guess I shouldn't have complained really as most kids have trouble keeping their socks & shoes on.

Imagine my surprise today when he came indoors without ANY shoes or socks on. Brodie had been helping Mark move the barbecue in the backyard. Brodie had walked barefoot on gravel! What a HUGE difference to that kid who not all that long ago refused to even go outside without even his socks on. WTG B!


PoetessWug said...

GREAT!!! Accomplishment....and moving on!! :-) {I, on the other hand, as a kid, could not stand shoes!! On the long walk to school in the morning I would tie the laces together and sling them over my shoulder! LOL NOW I LOVE shoes....but I still love looking at them, more than wearing them most of the time!! ^_^}

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Poetess, I know what you mean about shoes. As a kid I wasn't that keen on them either. They were a necessary evil during winter but when the warmer months came along off they went! Oh hang on I still do that :P
Although unlike you I don't love shoes all that much. Not even looking at them.