Hosted by Java @ Never Growing Old
1. How many pillows do you sleep with?
2. Where will you eat on Thanksgiving?
3. Would you rather go to a party or host a party?
4. How many purses (for the guys..wallets) do you own?
5. What is your favorite kind of seafood?
1. How many pillows do you sleep with?
I sleep with two pillows.

We don't do Thanksgiving hear in Australia but I was thinking of making Pumpkin Pie.

3. Would you rather go to a party or host a party?
Personally I don't really like parties all that much. In fact I usually avoid them. That being said if I had to be at one I would rather go to one, it means less cleaning up.

4. How many purses (for the guys..wallets) do you own?
I wasn't sure if this mean the purse that your money goes into (female version of a wallet) or a handbag. I only have one purse and two, maybe three handbags.

5. What is your favourite kind of seafood?
I love prawns. The only problem with that is they give me gout if I eat too many of them and that hurts like the dickens! I only wish prawns were cheaper (they're a bit out of my price range most weeks) I would gladly put up with the pain because they taste SOOOOOOO good!

Any time is a good time for pumpkin pie! Dropping by from "Meet Me on Monday!"
Good answers. I'm with you on parties--would much rather stay home in my jammies!
That's true Nicole, any time is a good time for pumpkin pie :)
Exactly right Beverly. Having a quiet night at home in your jimmy jams is the best thing!
I agree with you regarding parties.. I'm just not a party type of girl.. I'd rather stay home and curl up with a good book or a movie. :)
I like parties, but I am not as into them as I once was. Sorry about the gout. I have a friend who suffers from that. She says it is like walking on glass.
Have a great week!
I agree Brea, there's nothing quite like curling up with a good book.
Kalea_Kane, your friend is right it can be like walking on glass. Thankfully my doctor gave me some meds that help so its not quite so bad now.
Yep! I'm a shrimp girl too! But frankly, almost any seafood is good. My very very favorite is catfish!! Not the meow kind. The sauteed and cornbread covered kind! ^_^
Yes, pumpkin pie sounds fabulous! Don't know why we have to wait for a holiday to make one, right?!
Pumpkins pies are awesome, enjoy the ones you make. Enjoyed reading your answers. Have a wonderful week.
Poetess, I have never tried catfish before. I wasn't even sure we could get it here in Australia but apparently you can. Cornbread, yummy! I love it!
Jacalyn, I don't think you should wait for a holiday to enjoy it ;) if making pumpkin pie is the only way I can get Angus to eat pumpkin its worth me making it all year round!
Thanks Debby, I hope you have a great week too!
I'm the same way about parties. I don't like them and would rather not go, but if I had to, I'd rather go to one than host one.
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