Hosted by Java at Never Growing Old
1. Do you eat Sushi?Questions:
2. What kind of bath soap do you use?
3. How often do you talk to your Mom?
4. What TV shows do you watch on a regular basis?
5. Did you start Christmas shopping yet?
1. Do you eat Sushi?
To be honest I have never really tried it.

I use one that I buy from the local farmers market made using vegetable oil rather than animal fat. I think they are much nicer than the ones bought in the supermarket.

3. How often do you talk to your Mom?
Sadly I can't talk with my Mum. She passed away a little over 10 years ago. Although there are times when I still 'talk' to her. Sometimes I just wish she could answer.

Packed to the Rafters, Sea Patrol, Home & Away, Iron Chef, Criminal Minds, CSI Miami, The Mentalist, CSI, Heartbeat, Iron Chef Australia, Warehouse 13, Caprica, Bones, Castle, Mythbusters, The Fringe, Human Target. There are more but I just can't think of them right now. I record a lot of these shows on the PVR and watch them when I have the time.

5. Did you start Christmas shopping yet?
Yes I started the other week and I have pretty much finished it too. Normally I start during the after Christmas sales but I didn't this time round.

I like Human Target too. I didn't list it, but I am anxiously waiting for it to start up again. :)
Have a great day!
Oh gosh so far I am the only one to like sushi!
We watch Parenthood, Friday Night Lights, Biggest Loser, Undercover Boss, Survivor and FOOTBALL!
I used to talk to my mom ALL the time when she was alive. We got along great! I miss her a lot!
Haven't started Christmas shopping yet . . . we have birthdays coming up first!
Stopping by from Over 40. I didn't get my Meet Me On Monday up this week, but still like to visit others.
Rumtruffle, I don't know if I like sushi as I've never had the opportunity to try it. At least not yet :)
Karen I forgot about Parenthood I watch that too. I really identify with Adam & Kristina because of Max having Aspergers.
Kalea_Kane, we are probably so far behind you with Human Target. We often don't get shows until the second season starts in the US. I can't think of who he is but I really like the tech guy.
Wow, almost finished with Christmas shopping? Lucky!!!
Sounds like you Christmas shop like I do--get it done instead of dragging it out. I find I spend less money that way.
I'm enjoying getting to know you...and some of your commenters. I HAVE tried sushi, but it's not something I would purposely go out to dinner to have. Just saying. To each his own. :-)
Enjoyed reading your answers. You have an interesting list of TV programs that you watch. Have a wonderful week.
I've never tried sushi either! lol
Happy Monday!
My Answers <3
I talk to my dad the same way....
Hi Nancy, nice to meet you.
Empty Nester, I find I don't have to buy for as many people these days. Plus a lot of my family live interstate. I don't always buy for them.
Beverly, it sure makes things easier on the budget when you can spread out the purchases. Only trouble is I sometimes want to give the presents out for birthdays instead.
Poetess, after reading some of the other blog hop responses about sushi I am not even sure I want to try it any more :D
Thanks Debby, I hope you have a great week too!
Thanks Brandi!
Hugs to you Hilary. I hope it helps you to talk to your Dad that way, I know it helps me.
I am your newest follower from Meet Me on Mondays!!
I have gotten a few things for Christmas too! Yeah I think we should give each holiday enough time to celebrate...but I think Christmas can be celebrated all year round! ;-)
Have an awesome day!
Hi Smiley its nice to meet you.
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