
Monday, October 04, 2010

Shhhhh it's QUIET!

School is back for Term 4! I cannot believe how quiet the house is. Well perhaps I can & I am enjoying it while it lasts.

I had such a rotten sleep last night. Perhaps it was due to the fact that school was starting back today and I didn't want to sleep in & make Brodie miss the bus. I don't think he would've let me sleep in any way as he was excited about going back .. however that being said I did notice a bit of a pattern occurring.

On the first day of each term I have noticed that Brodie gets awfully defensive & testy before we leave for the bus stop in the morning and he begins barking orders not only to Angus but to me as well. I am wondering if it really has anything to do with his routine changing again & the fact that he doesn't know exactly what will happen on the first day back.

Angus at least was one semi-happy chappy this morning. He told me he wanted to go to school but he didn't. I knew what he meant. That it would be great catching up with friends he didn't see over the holidays but he didn't necessarily wanted the school work to start up again. Especially since I know he didn't complete the holiday homework he was given. Come to think of it neither did Brodie. Oh well they will learn eventually (I hope).

Anyway, I'm gonna continue enjoying the quiet at least until I pick Brodie up from the bus stop this afternoon. Maybe I'll get a catnap in *yawn*


PoetessWug said...

yay for you!! And a catnap, dognap, ferretnap, any kind of nap is ALWAYS good!!! ^_^

Jo-anne Blossy said...

You are so right, Any kind of nap is a good one! I managed to doze for about an hour :)