We have a rather generous download allowance of 50 gig per month for peak times and 50 gig for off-peak. I've been checking it regularly over the past few weeks because I knew that with the boys being on school holidays this week & next week we would use a fair chunk of it while they were home.
So last week when I noticed that we only had about 6 gig left I went into our ISP's shop & paid for an extra block of 10gig for our peak times. That was on Wednesday afternoon. I thought cool, that would give us 16 gig until our account resets on the 26th. That should be MORE than enough to cover us.
Oh boy was I WRONG about that! I checked our account on Wednesday night to make sure that the allowance had increased, which it had, but I was almost floored by what I saw. I can check out how much we've used because our ISP lists what we used each day. As I said I was almost floored. Somehow from 10am that morning until about 4pm that afternoon almost 6 gig was used! I don't know how that was possible because there was hardly anyone home during the day. In fact three out of the four of us weren't even home for the most part & Mark was asleep for part of the time and when he was awake he wasn't online.
Anyway, Mark phoned our ISP the next day & queried it. I was hoping it was an error on their end but it wasn't. Mark has now put extra security on the wireless access with a super-duper password that hopefully no one will be able to crack. Since he's done this our downloads have slowed dramatically. I guess that means this 'hacking' has been going on for a while now.
Just so you know, if I disappear before our account resets on Sunday, its because we are on dial-up speeds and I'm having problems waiting for pages to load.
How terrible!!! Grrrr! Is there anyway to find out who was stealing it?! Not very nice people!! Not very nice at all!!
I don't think there is a way to ever find out but we did learn what program was being used. It was a bit torrent that did it :(
If I stay up between 11pm & 7am I'll be okay as far as bandwidth. Although I would be wrecked the following day lol
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