
Sunday, July 25, 2010

We Finally Made it to Church Today

I finally got Brodie to go to Church today. Not an easy feat I can assure you. I would loved to have had Angus go along with us but I let him have a sleep over at a friends house.

It felt really good to go today. I just had a feeling that we needed to be there. I'm glad we did. Brodie said that he really wanted to speak to the Bishop today but he got a bit of a shock when we arrived found out that we had a new Bishop. Thankfully it is someone that he already knows and that he feels comfortable talking with. We all know (well at home at least) how much Brodie dislikes changes (aspies LOVE routine & for things to remain the same) & for our 'old' Bishop to be sitting among the congregation kind of threw him.

Brodie has a small assignment or I should say a little project/task to do this week & to let the Bishop know how he went. So I know that at least we will be going next week. It's good that he knows in advance what to expect.

While we were at the Chapel today I met someone from the Tacoma Ward & got chatting with her. I was telling her that Brodie's Ma & Pa from the Trek were from there. Funnily enough Ma turned out to be her sister. Of course I had to tell Brodie because I know how much he loves his Ma & Pa. He still keeps in contact with them. So of course when we got home today he phoned them up to say who we had met.

Brodie asked when would be a good time to come & visit Ma & Pa in their ward. So I promised that we would go there in two weeks time. Something else for him to look forward to & anything to keep him active is a good thing by me.

Now I just need to work on Angus ....

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