
Monday, July 27, 2009

Respite & Epilepsy Management Plan

I've never heard of an Epilepsy Management Plan before but apparently Brodie needs one or he cannot go on the next overnight camp. Funny thing is they let him attend the last one at Maffra without needing a plan.

When I mentioned that Brodie never had an action plan before not even for school the lady from respite questioned me. It kind of made me think that she doubted me. She said that when she was teaching that kids had them for school. So I mentioned that I was a teacher and in all the years that I worked in school we NEVER had a child with one. Although I don't recall having a kid in my class with epilepsy but that wasn't the point.

I am organising one but I have never heard of it before. I have heard of the asthma plan & one for kids with severe allergies but not one for anything else. Of course our GP happens to be on a bit of a break so we can't see him & they respite ppl want this done sooner rather than later. So I had to make an appointment for Brodie after school on Thursday to see another doctor in our clinic. Hopefully they will be able to fill out the plan without any problems.

I am no impressed with the respite mob. If it was there policy to have action/management plans for everything they should have made it extremely clear from the beginning when they accepted us into the ROADIES program. That way I wouldn't have been surprised when they asked for it now. All of this could've been solved ages ago.

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