
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Covid-19: We've Gone Mad! Stupid Panic Buyers

I've not written a proper blog post in what seems like forever. Things have been so crazy around the world with this Covid-19

Australia has been going bonkers for the last 5 weeks. People have been panic buying EVERYTHING from toilet paper, paper towel, tissues, kitty litter, tinned foods, 2 minute noodles, pasta, fresh fruit and veg to toiletries, washing liquid/powder and chocolate.

It is believe that the panic buying began with the same people who stockpile the baby formula to send to China. They possible are the same ones buying all the toilet paper to begin with to send back to China. Which of course started all the panic here with the ordinary Australian buying stuff because they were afraid they will miss out.

^^ That is the margarine & butter section in my local supermarket^^

^^ The soft drink aisle ^^

^^ My chocolate aisle ^^ 
Although that may be a good thing. I might lose a kilo or two (o_0)  if I can't buy it

If the supermarket hasn't run out of it they have hiked the price up!! Four weeks ago this same variety of lettuce cost $3
It's not like they aren't making money from us. The supermarkets say it is because of demand. Except it seems no one is buying things like this lettuce due to it's outrageous cost.

I live in a country town of around 10,000 people. Not all that big really when you come to think of it. We have two supermarkets which caters for the surrounding farm area. We're a dairy region. A thing that I love about this part of West Gippsland.

What really, REALLY annoys me at this moment in time are the people who drive up from Melbourne (probably the outer suburbs) and completely WIPE out our supermarkets of necessities.  It is ridiculous, shameful and downright disgraceful. 
SO many people here are missing out on toilet paper and tissues. The aged pensioners and the disabled are being pushed out of the way so more able-bodied people can get to it first. Those that are on fixed, low incomes who can only shop once a fortnight can't get what they need for their families. By the time they make it to the store it's all gone.

I am however, grateful that the big chains of supermarkets here have brought in what is called a community hour. Between 7 am - 8 am those with seniors cars, pensioners or the disabled can go to the shops and get what they need. After 8 am everyone else is able to shop.

Beginning tomorrow on a Thursday and a Tuesday, Coles, is using that same community hour for those in health care professions to do their shopping. All they need to do is either be in uniform, have their work ID or their card that said they are a healthcare worker.
I think it is a fantastic idea but I know that a lot of workers begin their shifts at 6 am. Although it is nice for them to know that they are thought of. At least that is something.

We have restrictions on the amounts of things we can purchase depending on which supermarket you go to. Some have a limit of two items others have a limit of 1. It also depends on what you are trying to purchase. I am just hoping for that day when we can go to the supermarket and buy toilet rolls. I have not seen any in the shops for at least 4 weeks. Thank goodness hubby saw a pack and bought it for us. 

The world has gone mad! 

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