
Friday, October 27, 2017

Psoriasis Update

I saw my dermatologist today. She is quite happy with how things have been going for me so far however I shall be increasing the methotrexate from 10 mg to 20 mg. Considering it's working, albeit slower then I would like, I am happy to continue with it for a few more months to see how things progress (or not) due to the fact that I have had no side effects so far. If it hasn't worked by mid-January I am to let her know. Then we shall discuss what my next options are.

Truthfully I just want to stop having to put all these creams on. I am over it. Can you get #psoriasis burn out? With a little over four decades of lotions and potions it just wears me out 😫😢 Not bad considering I am really only 29 yo 😂. Let me be delusional.

 #PsoriasisSucks #EnoughIsEnough #NoMore

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