
Monday, September 30, 2013

Finished Item - Crocheted Wiffley Waffley Cowl

I finished making my cowl on Saturday afternoon while watching the AFL Grand Final. Hawthorn (Hawks) won against Fremantle (Freo). I was barracking for Freo, who were in their first Grand Final ever, while Brodie was cheering for the Hawks. 

I'm not too sure if I actually like the cowl. I don't know whether I am meant to sew the ends together or if I should make buttonholes and add some big buttons. The pattern never really said.
I'm thinking I might just give the cowl away. Maybe I can send it over to my nieces in Adelaide. Perhaps one of them may like it.

Here's a close up.The stitch has made a really great texture and I am sure it will provide lots of warmth to the wearer. 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Looking For Inspiration

I've been searching pinterest and other websites for crochet inspiration.
There are so many patterns and so little time *sigh*

Here's a few patterns that I have come across that I really like. 
The links to the patterns are under the pictures.

Flower Power Beach Bag

Crocodile Stitch Afghan Block - Dahlia

Wonder Woman

Beautiful Lilac Baby Blanket with Flower


Friday, September 27, 2013

Crocheted Pansy

I'm in a flower making mood. It's spring time and with all the flowers in bloom about town I have felt inspired to make some pretty flowers.

I made the pansy above using the video from Crochet Geek, which I have added below.
While I love how the pansy turned out I am not too sure about the hole in the middle. I feel that it detracts from the flower, but then again that's probably just me.

I'm going to make another pansy just because I can and because it is spring. I adore spring. It's my favourite time of year! Everything is just so pretty and colourful! I'm thinking of turning at least one of the flowers into a brooch. I've been researching ways to stiffen the yarn. I found an article over at Crochet Spot very helpful.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Here's what I am thankful for this week:

  • Sunshine! We have had some amazingly beautiful days this past week. That being said we have had some rain too so it all balances out nicely.
  • Crochet! I am always thankful for this. So many projects so little time!?! 
  • Church. We had been a very inactive family over the past couple of years BUT that has changed. Mark, Angus & I have started going again. It's been wonderful to see everyone in our ward. It's like we never left.
  • Dentists. Yes I know that is a very strange one to be thankful for but I am indeed very grateful that I have now completed my general dental work at our local clinic. Tatijana was fantastic.
  • Reading. It transports you to another world where you can escape reality for a little while.
What are you thankful for this week? 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Crocheted Flower Appliques

I have a couple of lovely blouses made of cotton that have a couple of tiny holes in them. There is still a lot of wear to go for these tops and I didn't want to throw them out just yet. I could've kept these items for lounging about the house or for when I was doing some work or even hiding them under jumpers in the cooler weather. However I decided that I would jazz them up a little bit instead. So I made some flowers using crochet cotton to hide the holes. 

I think they turned out pretty well. What do you think?

I used the video below to make the flowers. Although unlike the video I only created 5 petals.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Finished Item - Crochet Zoo Blanket

Ta Da! It's all done! I totally love how this blanket has turned out. 

Angus helped me sort out the order that the squares should go in. I had to make it look balanced.

After one row of yellow for the border I crocheted the squares together.

I thought that a darker green would look great for the border. I had originally thought of brown but then decided against it. After all this is for a youngster. I didn't want the blanket to look too dark.

One row of dark green didn't look like it was enough so I did another round. I think it looks a lot better with a wider border.

Monday, September 23, 2013

WIP - Crochet - Zoo Blanket - Zebra & Elephant

Here are two more squares for my zoo blanket. I am loving how the animals are turning out. 

There is only one problem that I have noticed when I have been making my little animals and that is how badly my arms can ached after I have crocheted for a bit. Thank goodness for pain killers is all I can say. 

Only one more square to go before I add a border to each square and then join them together.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Crochet Video - Criss Cross Stitch

This video was on my Facebook feed the other day. I have used this stitch before but I had totally forgotten about it. I think it would make a great blanket for a baby. I think I need to put this on my to do list.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Happy Birthday Sis!

Wishing my sister, Vicki, a happy birthday! 

Friday, September 20, 2013

WIP - Crochet - Zoo Blanket - Turtle

My latest Zoo animal square. 
Only three more squares to go.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Here's what I am thankful for this week:

  • receiving emails from Angus's high school letting me know that his end of term report is available. 
  • for Angus's school having a parental portal where I can sign in to check on his progress and so that I can make bookings to see teachers for interviews
  • music and how it can lift your spirit
  • reading and how it can transport you to another world
  • the boys and when they get along. I just wished it happened more often.
  • Mark, he is just so amazing. I don't know what I would do without him xx

What are you thankful for this week?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Magic Knot or Double Knot

In the Knit4Charities Group that I belong to Pam, who is the founder of the group, shared a link for a youtube video on how to create a magic knot when joining your yarn. I personally haven't tried it yet but that's only because I am using small bits of yarn that doesn't need to be joined. I found it interesting and I know I will be trying it sooner or later. I'm not sure how it will got for crochet work and lots of colour changes but I guess if you are using one colour it would be good.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

WIP - Crochet - Zoo Blanket - Penguin

Here's my latest finished square. This cute little penguin worked up really quickly. In fact the only part that took a while was sewing it all together.

You can find the pattern HERE & see what the finished blanket looks like over at Knot Your Nana's Crochet. She is also on ravelry.

Monday, September 16, 2013

More Photos From Brodie

Brodie has been taking some more beautiful photos in our front yard. Mostly of this plant that we have that's quite big. I have no idea what it is but I do love the look of it. Knowing my luck it's just a big weed or something (o_0)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

WIP - Crochet - Zoo Blanket - Giraffe part 2

 Ta Da! I finished the giraffe square yesterday afternoon. 
I think it looks pretty good (~_o)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

WIP - Crochet - Zoo Blanket - Giraffe

After having a rest from crocheting for a couple of days I finally picked up my hook to make the next animal for my zoo blanket. I decided on making a giraffe.
I hadn't completed it when I too my photos. To be honest my arm was aching like crazy by the time I had made the head and the body. So much so that I had to take a couple of strong pain killers before I went to bed  (o_0) and my arm still hurts like mad now.

I made the snout part for the face as the pattern directed but it seemed to swallow up the rest of the face so I decided to make it a bit smaller. I think it looks a little better.

All I need to do today is make the spots, tail and mane then sew it on to the square. I think it looks pretty good so far.

Friday, September 13, 2013

A Late Thankful Thursday

Because yesterday was R U Okay day and it was also a Thursday I put off my Thankful Thursday post to today. Better late than never, right?

Here's what I am thankful for this week:

  • pain killers - yep I've needed them a few times this week. I am so over this shoulder of mine hurting but I am so glad that I have something to take the edge of the pain away
  • seeing Dr. F - we had a great chat when I saw him the other day (~_~)
  • that my new medication for my thyroid is working how it is meant to. That's always a  good thing (~_~)
  • for sunshine, even though it has been cold with the wind and all that sunshine has been lovely
  • our car - Emi has been behaving nicely after we took her in for a check up last week or was that the week before? Either way she is running beautifully.
What are you thankful for this week?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

National R U Okay Day

Today is national R U Okay Day.

It's a day set aside each year to help inspire Australians to reach out to family, friends and colleagues and ask them if they are okay. It's all about suicide prevention and awareness. By reaching out and asking you can make a difference in someones life. I know what it is like to lose a close family member from suicide. It truly is hard for those left behind. So start a conversation by asking R U OK it can make all the difference in the world.

You don't need to wait for a special day to ask someone if they are okay. 
Go ahead, ask someone how they are. Show them you care.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

WIP - Crochet - Zoo Blanket - Lion Applique

Another square completed. This one worked up so quickly.
I know it's a lion and all but the face kind of reminds me of Winnie the Pooh.

That's three down only nine more to go.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

WIP - Crochet - Zoo Blanket - Tiger Applique

Here's my latest square for my Zoo blanket. A very brightly coloured tiger!
Mark said it cold almost pass for C.K. (~_~)

Now that I have made this tiger I was thinking I might make a smaller one for my tablet cover. I haven't decided yet. Maybe I could do this pattern but as a grey tabby? What do you think?

Monday, September 09, 2013

Brodie's Photos Part 3

This is the final lot of the photos Brodie took from his new digital SLR. He has taken more and is very proud of them. I've scaled these down so that they don't take so long to load but I have added some of his originals to my wall paper folder. After all of these flowers do look very pretty (~_~)

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Finished Item - Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 Cover

I have been making a cover for Angus's Galaxy Tab. He wanted something in purple with a panda on it. Have I mentioned before that he LOVES pandas? He adores them! You could almost say obsessed with them.

Here's the head of the panda. I based it on the one that I made for the Zoo blanket
I have to admit that the panda does look rather cute on a purple background. All I know is that Angus was thrilled that I have finished it. All I need to do now is stitch the micro-fibre cloth in place on the inside of the cover.

I don't know if I need to make a new cover for my tablet. I am currently using my old cover that I had originally made for my kindle. It fits perfectly. It's light purple but there is no cute little appliqué on it. I might just add one to 'spice' it up a little. I am still deciding on whether I make a cat or a flower for the cover. Perhaps I might make both (~_~)