
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

More PINCHme Freebies

I received some more freebies in the post yesterday from PINCHme.
Of course I had to test them out last night.
Now all I need to do is leave some feedback on the website (~_~)
Avene - 3 in 1 cleanser, toner & make up remover

Listerine mouth wash
It's for Australian residents only but it's worth checking out.

Monday, March 25, 2013

A Parcel In The Post

I finally posted some things off to my girlfriend, Mish, this morning. These super cute little items are all from patterns by Heather at Just Crochet. I only hope that they will fit Mish's little niece or nephew when they are born in about 10 weeks time.

I had plenty of that pretty blue yarn left so I'm making some premmie baby items to put aside for a Knit4Charities charity. I'm not sure which one that will be or when they will need to be sent but at least I'll have some items ready to go when the time comes. (~_~) Plus it keeps my hands busy.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Just Off The Hook - Crocheted Baby Cardigan

Fresh off the hook today ... another crocheted baby cardigan. 
This pattern (JC55NB) is also by Heather from Just crochet
I just love Heather's patterns. They are so easy to follow & the finished item always looks good. 

I'll add this to the other items I have made for my g/f Mish so that she can give them to her sister for her bubz. I just hope they fit when bubz finally arrives.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What's On The Hook - Baby's Crocheted Cardigan

Here's whats on my hook this week.
It's another baby cardigan. The pattern is by Heather from Just Crochet.

I made a boo boo and I had to pull it apart :( 

Now that looks much better :)
I've finished the back and I am about to start on the side panels.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Big Bang Flash Mob

I just love The Big Bang Theory, so when Mark told me about this clip I had to go check it out.
It looks like they had so much fun.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Everything Is Better With Bacon

I was checking out some videos in my youtube subscription list when I came across this recipe for a sausage, bacon and egg BBQ breakfast roll. Simple and easy. Just the way cooking should be.
Plus anything with bacon is good in my books (~_o) 

This video is by Aussie Griller

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What's On The Hook - Crocheted Baby Leggings

It's still stinking hot today. Currently it's 37C (nearly 100F) but I felt inspired to crochet a little today.

I managed to finish one leg & I have now started on the second leg. The legs look a little short though :(

Monday, March 11, 2013

I'm So Over This Heat

I'm in survival mode. Today is the 8th day of temperatures 30C (86F) or above. In fact the weather girl last night said that over the past 7 days that each time they (the weather bureau) had predicted a certain temperature it was even hotter than was forecast. Lucky us huh. We still have two more days of this before a cool change is expected some time Wednesday evening. Yuck! I am so over this heat. I just want some COLD and RAINY weather.

I'd go and do a rain dance but it's hot outside already (o_0) It's 30C right now and it's only just after 10:30 am. Not a good sign.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Thankful Thursday

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Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • autumn - even though I jinxed myself last week by mentioning the weather, (we have had a week's worth of temperatures in the 30's [86+F]) I am still glad summer is over. I am looking forward to some cooler stuff but that wont happen for at least another week or more with temps continuing to be 30C or higher (o_O)
  • being able to talk with my Dad on the phone. He's getting more and more forgetful, he can hardly hear what we are saying (he wont wear his hearing aids) and he tells some whopping big stories (and by stories I mean fibs) but it's still nice to talk with him.
  • my crochet. It helps keep me sane
What are you thankful for this week? 

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Op Shop finds

Look at today's finds. I saw the teddy & immediately thought of Angus. He loves Pooh Bear.

I know I probably have enough yarn stash but I just had to buy this packet. The yarn is super soft & would be great for a baby blanket or even some chemo caps. For now it's going into my storage boxes.

Monday, March 04, 2013

Pinch Me Freebies

I got my first free sample from Pinch Me today. It's an Aussie website where you can sign up and they will send out free samples to you and you get to leave feedback about the products. Who doesn't love a freebie?
I can't wait to try out my new shampoo. As soon as I opened the box it smelled amazing.

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Friday, March 01, 2013

I Survived Summer

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Yay Summer is officially over! Woohoo! 
You know what this means... it's Autumn and we will have pretty coloured leaves and cooler weather.
The possibility of super hot weather is rapidly decreasing!
Now I hope I haven't jinxed myself and we end up with a heatwave or something.