
Friday, November 30, 2012

Happy 16th Birthday Cutie!


My baby turns 16 today! Where has the time gone?
It feels like yesterday that you were this cute little bubz that I brought home from the hospital.
Sweet 16 and never been kissed. Does that apply to boys?

Happy Birthday Angus!! 

I hope you have a day that is as special as you are!
Love you heaps

Thankful Thursday


Oops I'm a bit late with this post. It's already early Friday morning (it's almost 1am) but it's still Thursday somewhere, right? It's far too hot to sleep and I am patiently waiting for the cool change to arrive so that I know I will be able to sleep once I finally hit the sack. We have had our first BIG taste of Summer. The maximum hit 39C that's over 100F in the old scale. Dear Mother Nature you can keep these hot days to yourself. I prefer winter over summer any day. 

Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  •  cool changes
  • Angus's school. Even though my little sunshine doesn't always do the right thing (ie: is lazy and doesn't do all the work) his school keeps in contact with us to let us know how he is going. Although they aren't able to contact us as frequently as I would like we still get progress reports.
  • That my "Wedding Fever" is almost over. Not that I have been bridezilla or anything but I will be glad when its all over and done with. I love you hon xoxo
  • dressmakers - Jill, the lovely lady who adjusted my dress did a fabulous job! I am very happy with the way my dress looks now. It no longer looks like a pretty sack but a pretty fitted dress.
What are you thankful for this week?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

WIP - Galaxy Note Cover

Brodz has a new toy & I asked him if he would like me to make a cover for it. Of course Brodie wanted something Doctor Who related and he chose a TARDIS.

Thank goodness for Ravelry & the patterns available there. I chose a pattern for a kindle cover and I have (hopefully) adjusted it enough to fit the note. Only time will tell.
I don't have the link for the pattern at the moment but it's called TARDIS Kindle Cover by Stephanie Walls if you'd like to check it out.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Farewell Maitland

11 Mar 1975 - 26 Nov 2012
I wanted to do a fitting tribute to you Maity but I don't know where to start. It's hard to find the right words to express how I feel. 
You were a good friend. Someone who without even thinking about it would lend a hand at a moments notice. You were very good to us over the years helping us out, making us laugh and sharing some interesting tales. Because of your good character and generous spirit you were loved by many. 

We had such fun at Sassy Sigs creating graphics and animations. I will always remember your love of turkeys and how you would create funny animations using pictures of them. Some of them were outrageously funny. The boys and I even tried to find a toy turkey for you but we only managed to find a rubber chicken. You loved it anyway.

I know that over the past few months your quality of life was not the best. Your epilepsy played havoc with your daily activities but that never truly stopped you from having a go at things. We may never truly know what happened the day you ended up in intensive care but I do know you will never be in pain again and you're now in a better place. 

We will miss you Maitland. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

I'm Almost A Girly Girl

I'm turning into a girly girl. Shock horror!  Make up, dresses and pretty shoes. They are totally NOT me. Well maybe the pretty shoes just a little bit but the rest isn't. You see I have been practising my make-up and hair styling skills (or lack of them really) trying out different looks for the wedding. 

I've actually enjoyed 'playing dress-up' although the boys have given me strange looks and stated that I didn't need make-up because I looked pretty already. Good save boys and you are right I am beautiful (~_o) Brodie says I have a big enough ego already but hey if I look good why not tell everyone *smile*

I think this is how I will do my make-up for the big day.
I took about 10 photos of myself this morning before I found one that I sort of liked. I even tried doing my hair but it's no cooperating very well today. This is kind of what I will look like on Saturday. What do you think? Too much? Not enough? Just right?

5 days to go and counting ....

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Op Shop Bargains

Mark, Angus and I went Op Shopping the other day. We managed to find a few bargains. I really love that bowl. I think it looks very pretty. I was going to use it for a cereal/dessert bowl but Brodie suggested I use it as a yarn bowl. I'm not sure the yarn will stay in the bowl but it's worth a try.

I also found a purple glass bottle. I'm going to use that for the bedroom to keep water in for those times during the night when you need a drink but can't be bothered getting out of bed.

The little blue box is a Maths set with a compass, protractors, ruler and sharpener in it. I have no idea who will end up using it but it's there just in case.

The material, well I got that because it was only 50 cents. It's going to be added to my material stash. I am sure that I will find just the right project for it somewhere down the track.

Mark found a camping kit with bowl and plate. Mark wants to add to his camping gear. He loved camping so much last week that he is thinking of going again.

I'm thinking I might visit the op shops in the next town over from us this week. I just love rummaging through all the stuff they have. You just never know what you may find.

Friday, November 23, 2012

My Engagement Ring

Mark had ordered my engagement ring online a while back and it arrived in the post this week. He also ordered a pretty box to put it in. How sweet is that heart box with the rose on it?

The ring is made from titanium and it has a very small jewel in it. 
I constantly worry that the stone may fall out. 


There is also an inscription engraved inside the ring that says "Love Mark"
On each side of the writing is two hearts.
My geek is such a romantic xx

Not that I am counting or anything but there's only 8 days to go ...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful Thursday


Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • Op Shopping and finding bargains
  • Angus and how he has studied for his exams this week. WTG kiddo and good luck with the three exams you have next week!
  • my cats and getting cuddles and loves from them
  • Mark - he surprised me with my engagement ring this week and the lovely box that he put it in. I'll share photos tomorrow
  • nice weather - let's hope it doesn't get too hot especially with Summer just around the corner

What are you thankful for this week?

And Happy Thanksgiving to all those who are celebrating! 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Good Luck Angus

Angus has his first end of year exam today. I dropped him off at school about half an hour ago. Good luck on your English exam cutie! Thank you for studying for this one. It will help believe me.

Monday, November 19, 2012

It's A Cats Life

Cats in our home have such a hard life. They sleep most of the day, are fed on demand & get cuddles and scratches when they want them. I should've been a cat...

Sunday, November 18, 2012

I Need To Vent

It's still early morning and there has already been a HUGE fight in out home today. What a lovely way to start a new week. All because I asked the boys if they wanted to go to Church today. That was my first mistake. I knew Angus wouldn't go. He never goes any more. Brodie would go sometimes but said no for today because he has no clean clothes. Okay that's a reasonable excuse to not go I suppose. Not that anyone really cares about what you truly wear just as long as you look respectable and you turn up. 

The second mistake was after having my shower I asked the boys to do a couple of things. I had asked Angus to find all the coat hangers that are lying about in his bedroom. Yep no problem with that request. The problem really was the next couple of statements: Brodie next time we go to the shops you can go in and get the stuff that I want. That way I wont spend too much money. I get an mumble from Brodz. Then I said that since you two aren't going to Church I'll get you to work. 

What I said seemed innocent enough. There were no huge demands on what the boys were to do. It's not like it was a physically taxing job. I was only going to make sure that they did their usual jobs (when I wanted them to not when they wanted to do them) things like doing a little tidying up, drying the dishes, that sort of thing. The thing that really topped it off was asking Brodie to unplug his laptop charger to which he replies: I am not your f*****g slave.

You would have thought from the carry on from Brodie it was like I was asking for his first born child or for a pound of his flesh or something. My gosh no one messes with HIS laptop and HIS Facebook time! He exploded. His voice got louder and louder. Started doing that threatening stance he does. Tells me to act my age and grow up. Meanwhile, he wakes Mark up (he's only managed an hour or two of sleep at this stage) with his yelling. I'm trying to tell Brodie to pick up his laptop and go to his room. That I don't want him down this end of the house while he is like this. Basically I wanted him to go into his room to calm down. Of course he is refusing. I let him know he has two options - take the laptop to your room or go outside. Me personally, I would've just picked up the laptop and disappeared. 

Brodie is still refusing to budge either way. Screaming at me that he would love to fill up a pillowcase and bash me with it. By now Mark has come out of the bedroom. Somehow we both convince Brodie to pick up his laptop and go to the bedroom. Brodie is still saying how he wants to hurt me but that he is really controlling himself right now. He knows if he does hurt me or anyone else in our family for that matter that it will not be tolerated and that he will be removed from out home. I think he is too scared to try it even though he threatens to hurt us almost on a daily basis. I am so tired of it.

Oh and the last thing Brodie says before he goes into the bedroom. He said it to Mark but he was looking at me. Learn to control her! I didn't see Mark's face because he was standing in front of me so I can only imagine the look on his face but he was NOT impressed and told Brodie that he has had enough. He wants Brodie to move out. I don't blame him. We have all had enough of these explosions and how Brodie tries to intimidate us. Right now I don't care that Brodie currently has nowhere to go. It's not my problem. Enough is enough.

Here we go he's just come out of the bedroom begging me not to kick him out. That he has nowhere to go. Tells me if you kick me out your money will go down. I know it will but so will my rent, the electricity bill and the food bill will be less also. He then goes on about how will he get his stuff out? I have no money to pay for rent. He does have money. Brodie applied for a pensioner advance from Centrelink last week. The money is sitting in my bank account waiting for him to decide what he wants to spend it on. I told him I can transfer it to his bank for him to pay for rent somewhere. To which he replies no that is for me to buy a tablet with. I told him that it can be used for other things instead. 

Basically Brodie is scared of moving out. I know it and he knows it. He just has to learn to deal with it. We all move out of home sooner or later. It is scary for all of us being on our own for the first time. 

Right now I am fed up and feeling rather blah about things. I just wanted a nice Sunday. A day with some quiet time. A day where I could catch up with some Church friends. Maybe play some games, crochet or read. I just wanted to focus on wedding things and spend some time with the family. I may still be able to do some of those things but my heart wont quite be in it.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Finished Item - Grey Crocheted Shawl

 Ta Da! I finally finished that shawl I was making. 
I think the top photo makes the grey look a bit washed out so I took another photo without the flash and it looks more like the actual colour. 

My model was off at school when I took these pics. My 'other' model refused to have his photo taken so you can't really see how big the shawl is. 
It's about 1.6 metres wide (that's about 5ft) It doesn't seem too big to me when I tried it on. I think I could've made it larger. Not bad for my first try though and without a pattern to follow too. Now to decide what to make next ... 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday


Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • Mark was able to go camping with a friend & do some of that male bonding stuff that they do
  • for the weather being mild, dry and not very cold. Almost perfect camping weather.
  • that there is only one more sleep to go until Mark comes home! I wonder if I have a nap if that will count :P
  • I take my wedding dress to the lady who will be making the alterations. Yay! I'm excited
  • that the boys have been relatively well behaved this week, apart from the usual annoying brother thing that they do anyway. I appreciate it when they get on well. It makes life so much easier.
  • that the boys still ate the tuna mornay I made for tea last night even if it didn't look the best. At least it still tasted nice.

What have you been thankful for this week?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Sneak Peek

The colour is called gun metal grey.

Since Mark isn't home and he isn't able to check my blog posts I thought I would give you a bit of a sneak peek at my new shoes for the wedding. Not that he would be interested in my shoes, well I don't think he will be.

I was going to share a photo of part of my dress but that would be spoiling it, right? Let's just say that it's a purple/plum/magenta colour and I love it! Brodie has seen me try it on and he said it looks very pretty. I hope he wasn't just saying that because I'm his Mum (~_~)

The dress is a tad big in places and I am seeing a seamstress on Thursday afternoon. She was recommended by a few people in town. I'm hoping that means she is really good or they wouldn't have suggested her. The dress only needs a couple of pleats or darts or something. I'll find out on Thursday one way or another.

I can't believe that there is less than 3 weeks to go. I'm sure that time will fly by quickly.

Monday, November 12, 2012

A Camping We Will Go

Mark and one of his ham radio friends have gone camping this week. They're going somewhere in the Avon Wilderness park which is about 2 - 3 hours drive from home. I have no idea what they will be doing there other than using their radio gear.

I told Mark to treat this week as his 'bucks night'. I was joking but he thought it was a great idea. I don't know if I should be worried or not lol. His friend said that he would bring him home safe so I shouldn't worry. I am sure they will have a good time.

Map of where Mark is going camping. You can click on it to enlarge it & you will be able to see it more clearly.

It's the first time Mark and I have been apart for more than one night since we got together. It's going to be strange without him here. Hopefully this week will fly past & he will be home before I know it.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Work In Progress - Shawl/Wrap

Here's what I am still working on. It is slowly growing. I have no idea how big I will make it yet although I think its about halfway there.

Friday, November 09, 2012

A Wasted Opportunity

Thankfully there is another chance this time ....
let's hope it isn't wasted!
Yesterday afternoon we found out that Angus didn't pass his Automotives course.The TAFE teacher said that he was busy talking and not doing his work. That he didn't complete enough of the tasks to pass. All the other kids were able to. I just don't understand how this happened.  I feel awful and I know Angus does too.

A whole year has been wasted. Not only did we pay $400 for the course the high school paid around $1600+ for the year. Angus had signed an agreement in order to participate at TAFE in the first place but he has broken that agreement by not doing the work. He may not even be able to continue next year and if he is allowed to he must repeat the first year units again.

I went to Angus's high school yesterday afternoon after school. I was hoping to see the Pathways Advisor who looks after the VCAL*/VET** kids. I wanted to know why Angus failed. I needed to know where we go from here. What are the options for next year because there is no way Angus can do VCE*. He just isn't the type of kid who could cope with the work load that is required. It's not like he has an aide like Brodie did. He just wouldn't be successful and I so desperately want him to be successful.

We were given three options

  1. If Angus wants to continue with Automotives next year we will need to pay a retainer (around $500) on top of the fees which I have already paid. He will repeat 1st year. If he completes the course successfully we get the retainer back. If he does not we forfeit the money.
  2. He can do a school based apprenticeship to complete his Automotives course. That means we need to find an employer that is willing to take him on for the whole year for two days a week. He would get paid a small wage (possibly $8 per hour) that the government will help the employer pay.
  3. Try another course but one that is based at the high school. For example Building Construction. That will allow the school to keep an eye on Angus and his progress.
I have send the Pathways Advisor an email and requested that we have the weekend to think things over. I also asked if there were other courses available at school that may be an option for Angus. I hope I hear from her by the end of the day with that information so that Mark, Angus and I can talk about it over the weekend.

I like the idea of the second option but I don't know if its the best one for Angus. So many things could go wrong and I am worried the boss may tell him to not come back. I know I should be optimistic but that hasn't gotten me very far where Angus's school work is concerned.

* The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) is a hands-on option for students in Years 11 and 12. The VCAL gives you practical work-related experience, as well as literacy and numeracy skills and the opportunity to build personal skills that are important for life and work.

** Vocational Education and Training (VET). VET in the VCE or VCAL allows students to include vocational studies within their senior secondary certificate. Students undertake nationally recognised training from either accredited state curriculum or national training packages which may contribute to their VCE and/or VCAL.

***The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) is the certificate that the majority of students in Victoria receive on satisfactory completion of their secondary education. The VCE provides diverse pathways to further study or training at university or TAFE and to employment.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Thankful Thursday


Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • my wedding dress arrived. It is SO pretty. The colour is a little darker than I expected but it's still very pretty. Of course it's purple (well it said magenta on the label) but what other colour would I choose? I just need to find someone to do some alteration on the dress as it's a tad too big.
  • being able to find a lovely pair of shoes, in gun metal grey, that go perfectly with my dress
  • for Angus being allowed the opportunity to complete his outstanding tasks at TAFE
  • taking Brodie shopping and having lots of laughs and being able to embarrass him just a little when I went into a lingerie shop
  • that our wedding rings arrived and fit perfectly

What are you thankful for this week? 

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

What's On The Hook?

Are you in shock? I have finally started a new crochet project! It took me forever to work out what I wanted to make AND I am making something for me! I don't make myself a lot of stuff so I think I deserve this.

You probably can't guess from the photo above but it will be a wrap/shawl. Well it's more like a wrap. I wanted something pretty and lacy but all the patterns I looked at seemed so fiddly. I was worried that I would make a mistake or two or several. It's not fancy but I think it will look nice once its complete.

Anyway I'm off to do some hooking and catch up on some TV shows that I've got sitting on the DVR.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Sweet Voices

Two of my favourites are still in X-factor ~ Bella Ferraro and Shiane Hawke. They did an amazing job on last nights show. I hope that they survive tonight's elimination.

Monday, November 05, 2012

Do You Want The Good News Or The Bad News First?

Here's the BAD news ~ Angus failed TAFE this year. How on earth he failed is beyond me. He wasn't the only kid in his Automotives course that failed either. ALL the kids from his school that were in his course failed. What let them down is the fact that they never did all their assignments and handed them in.

Their TAFE teacher said that Angus is to come in on Wednesday of this week so that he can attempt to complete as much work as possible in order to save his butt. That way he might be able to go back to do the second year of his course next year. That is no guarantee that he will be able to do so. Angus will need to write a letter outlining why he should be allowed to continue with his course. He will also need to include steps that he will follow to ensure that this wont happen again.

What annoys me is that whenever I asked Angus if he had assignments for TAFE to work on he said that he had done them all at TAFE and that he didn't need to do them at home. What a silly person I was to take him at his word. I feel so disappointed and hurt over all of this. I feel that I failed as a parent. I know it is not my responsibility to do his school work and that the onus is all on Angus but I still feel I made a mistake somewhere.

Angus didn't want to tell us what happened. His excuse was that he 'forgot' to mention it last Thursday when he got home from school because we had given him his new computer. We only found out because one of the co-ordinators at his high schooled phoned us.

Angus thought that Mark & I would yell at him when we found out. Why would we do that? Yelling at him wont make a difference. Angus will still have to face the consequences of his actions (or rather in this case inaction). Computer time has been severely restricted (2 1/2 hours per day) and his computer signs him out when his time is up. There is NO can I have another 5 minutes. I think it's pretty fair. I am sure that's a lot more than other kids would get in these circumstances. In fact one of Mark's friends said that we should just take the computer away for a while. If there's a next time maybe that's exactly what we will do.

Needless to say I am being a mean Mum making sure that Angus does his work. I will not have him slacking off again. I am tired of getting phone calls, letters or emails from the school stating that he is well below par. Although I am grateful that the school lets me know. I want Angus to pass but if this keeps up he might not get to do the classes he wants next year. Perhaps frightening him by stating he will have to repeat some Yr 10 classes night do the trick...

Time for some GOOD news ~ I ordered the dress that I wanted for my wedding last week. It's being sent from the US. I was given a tracking number so that I could check up on my order. The good news is my dress is now in Australia! Woohoo. So hopefully it will arrive within the next couple of days. I'm still crossing my fingers that it will fit properly. But YAY it is almost here!

Friday, November 02, 2012

Middle Earth Flight

Mark sent me a link to watching this video this morning. I found it very funny and very well done. If you have seen the Lord of the Rings you will recognise the characters in this video.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Thankful Thursday


Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • sunshine and being able to get my washing dry
  • cool changes because we all know how much I hate hot weather (~_0)
  • find a word puzzles ~ I've been doing these because I don't know what item to crochet next (o_0)
  • happy kids ~ Angus is over the moon we bought a new (it's used but practically new) desktop computer for him & we're picking it up today
  • finding the perfect wedding dress ~ I have ordered it from the US. Please cross your fingers and toes for me and hope that it arrives in time for Dec 1st.

What are you thankful for this week?